I Became a Foreign Worker Loved by Transcendents

Chapter 2: A Pearl Necklace On A Pig

There were so many damned people in the world that sometimes you’d forget this world was undeniably a ‘dark fantasy’ realm.

Having torn through dimensions, the Demon King’s army arrived, along with necromancers from cults who raised the dead, turning regions into lands of death. In the forests roamed the beastly Furry Tribe, and at night, vampires swarmed… Even the seas beyond the continent were practically occupied by the Merfolk.

Yet humanity, undeterred, gathered in the empire, hoping to save this doomed world. Under their fervent support, the empire conducted daily summoning rituals, a passionate gacha show.

I wasn’t quite comfortable with this, having seen a crazed hero die just a few days earlier.

“Ah, there’s nothing quite like working and drinking~”

At any rate, the place I was currently at was an old tavern, a gathering spot for those reduced to foreign laborers because of him.

Sitting at a table set by the grumpy black manager, I chewed on dried jerky, observing those around me.

An overweight man with bespectacled, acne-ridden skin, and a pale-faced man with a shadow cast over his face… They were named ‘Oh Deok-hun’ and ‘Koo Yi-shin,’ my fellow summoning colleagues.

“It seemed bustling with gatherings until recently, but now, after two years, only this many have survived…”

Seeing my friends who’ve endured as porters in this harsh world brought a bittersweet feeling.

“Well, the heroes who mostly hire porters are all nasty in character, so it’s not surprising some quit midway.”

Because of such discrimination, some turned to thievery in opposition to the heroes or became pets of the wealthy for scraps… Despite their ordinary past lives, I’d seen many plummet to rock bottom.

For those not born with abilities, life in this world was relentlessly harsh.

“It’s inevitable. Compared to our original world, this one is fraught with danger, so it’s hard to find a simple and stable life.”

Goo Yi-shin, a 36-year-old day laborer, sympathized with me kindly.

Despite his fierce look, he had recently become exceptionally kind-hearted and gentle.

In such a harsh world, he even volunteered as a hobby.

“How’s your recent work going, Yi-shin Hyung?”

“Hehe, lately, the church has been asking me to move things. I deliver food to the sick and poor.”

That didn’t sound very profitable.

Still, helping the church might offer some protection, right?

As I drank beer and thought about it, Yi-shin, recalling today’s events, began to smile broadly.

“I used to save money from doing porter work to help those in need, but the church, valuing my spirit, offered me a position.”

“Oh, so you’ve finally joined the church and made a career out of it?”

“Yes, that’s right. Now I can extend my help to more innocent people in this world.”

To the unknowing, his laughter might have sounded sinister.

But having spent two years with him, I knew he was one of the kindest souls, rare to find in both our past and present lives.

“Thinking about who and how I’ll help tomorrow fills my heart with joy. Hehehehe!”

Maybe he found joy in helping the downtrodden in this failing world.

“Well, sure.”

If he’s happy, that was all that mattered.

“And what about you, Hyo-sung? Will you continue being a porter? I heard you almost died in a dungeon recently.”

“Well, serving heroes is tough, but it’s the best-paying job for us foreign workers.”

“Making money is good, but don’t overdo it. You might not get to enjoy it. Are you planning to buy a house?”

“Hehe, something like that.”

Even in a hopeless, dark fantasy world, I was reincarnated. I might as well dream big.

Just a little more saving and I could achieve the dream I’ve had since arriving in this world.

A dream far more exciting than a mundane one like ‘owning a house’ from my past life.

“But why so quiet today, Deok-hun?”

However, it was a little concerning that one of the friends I wanted to share this anticipation with was silent.

When I asked him outright, he began to tilt his glass with an expressionless face.

Sitting askew and staring at a mountain visible through the distant window, he seemed to think he looked cool, but from afar, people probably just thought he was posing.

Look at him trying to act like a cool city man, with his lips twitching.

“Do you have some good news, Deok-hun?”

“Good news?”

Upon Goo Yi-shin’s question, Oh Deok-hun finally let out a suppressed laugh.

Then, with a sorrowful smile, he placed something on the table and asked,

“Do you know what this is?”

“…It’s a smartphone.”

A smartphone.

It was indispensable for modern people and an unknown concept in this world.

Most people in this world were summoned without anything, so such tools didn’t accompany them.

Unless one possessed a special ability to summon specific items.

“Come to think of it, Deok-hun’s special ability is related to handling a special function on this smartphone.”

“But didn’t you say it can’t be used because it’s not charged?”

Indeed, the problem was that his smartphone had no battery at all.

Because of this, he couldn’t properly use his ability and was relegated to being a foreign laborer…

“Hehe, that used to be the case.”

With that, Oh Deok-hun pressed a side button.

As the screen flickered to life, my eyes widened in surprise.

“Oh, it’s turned on.”

“Yeah! All the humiliation I’ve endured until now was for this day!”

Dramatically, Oh Deok-hun held up his smartphone as if it produced a sound effect.

Through his triumph, his years of pent-up frustration were also evident.

“After being summoned to this world, nearly 2 years… All the money I earned went into custom-ordering a device to charge this smartphone. My blood and sweat, risking my life, were all for this moment of illumination!”

“Wow, you bastard! Finally, your time to rise has come!”

He always bad-mouthed his employer at the bar, but maybe heaven had acknowledged his suffering?

Seeing him ready to use his ability and escape his life as a laborer, a surge of emotion welled up inside me.

Of course, we still had to see what his usable ability was.

“But what can you do with just a smartphone? There’s no internet or anyone to call.”

“The smartphone’s function is secondary. It’s all about this app.”


“Ever heard of a hypnosis app?”

A hypnosis app? Like the stuff you find in adult content?

Was that what he was aiming for?

“What is this hypnosis app?”

“It’s exactly what it sounds like. By telling someone who’s looking at the screen to ‘get hypnotized’, I can control their mind!”

“Damn it, Yi-shin! Close your eyes right now! He’s trying to hypnotize us to screw everything up!”

Even though he had a rotten personality, I had thought of him as a friend. I never imagined he’d turn on me.

“Don’t be ridiculous; I’ve already chosen my target.”

Oh Deok-hun dismissed the idea with immediate disdain.

His eyes were bulging with hatred, his voice was dripping with loathing.

“Soon, very soon, I’ll have my revenge for two years of misery under that damn woman! Hahaha!”

…Ah, right.

He had always complained about his employer during our gatherings over the past two years.

He seemed to have a lot of pent-up anger. In a world full of morally dubious characters, I couldn’t really comment on his desire for revenge.

I just hoped it wouldn’t involve us.

“Deok-hun! You’re here~”

Just then, a soft voice called out nearby. I turned to see a woman in a nun’s habit approaching in the old tavern.

Her voice, gentle like Goo Yi-shin’s, belonged to a nun with peaceful, slender eyes.

“Deok-hun, Deok-hun~ Would you mind coming with me? It’s a safe day today~”

This almost saintly beauty was showing an interest in none other than Oh Deok-hun.josei

“Shut up, you damned woman!”

But Oh Deok-hun only yelled back at her.

Taken aback by his outburst, she opened her mouth slightly and began to glare at him.

“‘Damned woman.’ Are you referring to me?”

“Yes, I’m tired of being manipulated by you! Now just shut up and look at this!”

With that, Oh Deok-hun thrust the smartphone toward the nun.

The nun stared blankly at the screen, then tilted her head and quietly asked,

“…There’s nothing displayed here?”

“What? That can’t be…”

Confused by her words, Oh Deok-hun turned the smartphone towards his face.

“Yap, be hypnotized~”


Seizing the opportunity, the nun spoke, and Deok-hun’s eyes soon clouded over.

I immediately understood why this fool had been under the lady’s thumb for two years.

“Isn’t it strange that a tool granted as a past-life special perk needs charging? Normally, there’s no cost for such perks…”

“…So he’s been hypnotized from the start.”

What’s the use of a great ability to control people if the user is a blockhead and can’t escape being a foreign laborer?

“So, Deok-hun? From now on, you obey my words.”

“Yes, I am now Seria’s slave.”

“You’ll do as I say, just like before. You understand, right?”

“Yes, yes. I understand.”

“Hehe, good. Shall we go to the room together?”

But it was hard to see him as just a puppet, given the dazed and drooling look in Deok-hun’s eyes and Seria’s gaze filled with depth.

Walking arm-in-arm with a man she had hypnotized… Ah, right. Did she have feelings for Deok-hun?

“Are you Deok-hun’s friends? Sorry to interrupt your drinks, but may I borrow Deok-hun for tonight?”

“Oh, not at all. We’re just grateful you’re looking after our lacking friend.”

“Hehe, do have a good time.”

“Thanks for your kind words~!”

Thus, Deok-hun and the nun left, arm-in-arm, cuddling.

Watching them, Goo Yi-shin smiled contentedly, finishing his drink.

“Hehe, that’s youth, I guess.”


Watching them, a bitter taste filled my mouth.

I downed my drink, muttering to myself.

“Damn, even a scumbag trying to hypnotize women has a girlfriend.”

When would my life find its rosy hue?

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