Housekeeper of the Hundred Blossom Palace

Chapter 204: Benefactor

“At any rate, isn’t it great, Miss Xu. You can take your time planning what you’re going to do from here on, so please relax first.”

When Yui Mei said those words, Xu’s reddened eyes softened.

“Thanks. Everything seems to have started when I met you back in the dumpsite. A lot of things suddenly changed. Thanks to you, I can now stand here like this, so you’re my benefactor.”

Those were Xu’s heartfelt words, but Yui Mei shook her head upon hearing them.

“No, I did not change Miss Xu’s life. Everything that has happened are the results of your actions until now. If Miss Xu believes that you changed, then doesn’t that mean you really did?”

If Xu had given up everything and become a courtesan as the male merchant who had bothered her suggested, she would have ended up unhappy. However, Xu struggled and it was because of her efforts that a helping hand was extended to her. Therefore, she just needed to stand tall and proud.

“Ha, you should just let us be indebted to you. You really are such a strange girl.”

Xu looked embarrassed upon hearing Yui Mei’s response. The latter the turned towards Du.

“The eunuch over there, weren’t you the person who helped me from that scum merchant, right? Du, isn’t it? You had to carry me to the place, but it’s thanks to you that I was able to wait for Lord Zhu Ren.  I’m truly grateful to you from the bottom of my heart.」

Xu hadn’t seen the face of the person who helped her enter the palace as a courtesan, but she still remembered him. Du wordlessly grinned as acknowledgement to her words of gratitude.

「Oh right! I haven’t asked for your name yet. I’ve been in your care for so long, so this might be awkward.  」

「Come to think of it, I also haven’t introduced myself.  」

Xu suddenly remembered that she hadn’t asked for her benefactor’s name, and Zhu Ren also realized the same thing when he heard that. 

While Yu Mei also recalled not mentioning her name to Xu, she deliberately didn’t disclose it to Zhu.

‘Hmm, is it time for me to tell them my name?’

With a sidelong glance to Ming, who was watching the couple beside them, she smiled.

“Well then, let me introduce myself again. I am Zhang Yui Mei. I’ve been praying for the happiness of you both in the Hundred Blossom Palace.”

The moment Yu Mei introduced herself, Ming’s expression became inexplicable. The shock written all over his face was quite comical.

His pale face as if he’d seen a ghost only deepened Yui Mei’s smirk.

“Heh, what a nice-sounding name.”

On the other hand, Xu, who did not seem to notice Ming’s reaction, complimented Yu Mei’s name, stating that the sound of it suited her, as expected of a musician.

Yui Mei had never been complimented regarding the sound of her name suiting her, so it made her feel a bit happy.

While they exchanged such pleasantries, the sun began to set and the shadows lengthened.

“Xu Zi, I know how reluctant you are to part with them, but I think it’s time for us to go now. It’ll be dangerous once the darkness sets in.”

Zhu urged Xu to leave, but Xu hesitated to move. 

Yu Mei reassured Xu that this was not their final farewell.

“Miss Xu, this isn’t the last time we’re going to see each other in this lifetime. Whenever I’m allowed to go out, I’m going to visit your mansion from time to time. Let’s meet again.”

“Yeah, you’re right, we’re gonna meet each other again. How strange, why am I crying like this when that’ll happen.”

Xu apparently realized that this wasn’t their last farewell, so she finally felt moving. 

Zhu and Xu then bid their farewell. When they were about to leave the palace —

“Xu, be happy.”

Du called out to Xu behind her back.


Xu turned around in shock.

Yui Mei was puzzled why she had such a big reaction, but Li Yong replied to her shortly.

“It’s the voice.”

‘Oh, I see now, voice, huh!’

It’s said that Xu had never once saw the emperor’s appearance.

However, she had heard him speak plenty enough that she could recognize his voice right away.josei

Musicians have great ear for music, so it’s understandable that she recognized him for his voice.

Yui Mei finally realized why Du kept silent when she spoke to him earlier.

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