Heavenly Locust Emperor

Chapter 1: He Family

Chapter 1: He Family

In the southern border of Jin Kingdom, Xiliuyuan, and Hejiazhuang, the sun is rising and the morning fog is still there.

This is the time of the day when the vitality of heaven and earth is most abundant, a group of newly promoted He family disciples began to practice boxing and breathing in the morning.

The Patriarch of the He family is the governor of Nanyi, Jin Kingdom, in charge of the thousands of miles of Nanyi, and is responsible for guarding the southern border and resisting evil spirits.

The ancestor of the He family was a complete overhaul of alchemy. Thousands of years ago, he followed the first King Jin to open up Nanling.

In a hundred years, countless big monsters have been killed, sacrifices to all saints, the establishment of Jin Kingdom, and the division of the country into one state and thirteen towns.

Because of the military achievements of the ancestors, the He family was granted the title of Nanyi and established the Xiuxian family.

Nanyi is located in the south of Bibo Lake, [-] miles away, and in the north of Wanzuling in southern Xinjiang, where the clear water and the big river pass through.

It was originally a barren and plagued land, full of evil spirits and poisonous insects.

After hundreds of years, monks in Nanyi cleaned up monsters, masters sorted out the veins of the earth, and nourished them to produce spiritual eyes for thousands of years. Now it has become a blessed place for practice with beautiful mountains and rivers and abundant vitality.

No way!The name of this blessed land is compared to the monks who practice the immortal way and master the power, and the "mortal bones" who have no cultivation qualifications are just the bottom of all living beings in this world.

Under the Immortal Dao, everyone is an ant...

Hejiazhuang was the earliest farm established on Xiliuyuan, and it was used by the He family to house more and more offspring and servants with other surnames.

At this time, Colonel Hejiazhuang was in the field.

bang bang bang!boom...

The middle-aged Qi training teacher on the school field, his movements are vigorous, like a tiger catching a sheep, like an eagle hitting a snake...

The movements of the whole body are bowed, horses, waists and hips united, standing on the ground like an elephant, punching like a dragon, flying like an eagle, and imposing like a lion...

Especially during the change of fists and palms, with a hundred blades hidden in the body, it can easily be divided into human bones...

After finishing this set of punches, the instructor retracted his fists and stood still, breathing out a stream of white air, his eyes were like eagles, and he looked down at the dozen or so disciples below.

"The human body is a small world, and everything is incomparable."

"This set of Hundred Blade Fist is the qi training manual handed down by He family's ancestors. It is most extraordinary to practice fists and feet outside and true qi inside."

"Even in Jin Country, it is a superior technique for practicing Qi, let alone in Nanyi. It is several times stronger than the common ones on the market."

"When you break through the fourth floor and develop mana, you will be able to grant the matching spell "Flying Blade", which can turn mana into blades and cut iron like mud, which is even more powerful."

"If such a practice is not conducive to breaking through and establishing a foundation, I am afraid that you will not be blessed to contact it."

The instructor closed his face and snorted coldly.

"However, this is enough for you. They are all low-ranking and inferior embryos. The blessing of establishing a foundation is too far away from you."

The disciples were a little discouraged like frost beating an eggplant.

Teaching Xindao: Practice is not easy, so don't aim too high.You have to teach them well, send a few good seedlings to the master's house, and then ask for some talisman money rewards, so that you can have money to drink spiritual wine.Don't think too much, the alcoholism is coming up again...

"I, Zhao Li, was born in Hejiazhuang just like you."

"My father and my mother are both Tian Nuer."

"He is a savage with bones in the eyes of practitioners. He cannot eat enough to satisfy his hunger, and has only enough clothes to cover his body."

"But I'm 12 years old, and I've tested my bones. Although it's inferior, it's still one in a hundred."

"The lord's kindness is great. I alone gained the Tao, and the whole family was rewarded. I was given a big house in the field, and my parents became slaves in the field, so I didn't suffer from hunger and cold."

Zhao Jiaoxi cupped his hands in the direction of the Nanyi city lord's house, and expressed his gratitude.

"After the bone test, I got rid of my slave status and became a disciple of the He family. Although I was called a servant, my status was the same as that of the main family's side branch. I was selected to practice in the inner village."

Several teenage disciples who were also promoted from slaves to servants yelled: "The difference between Dao bones and mortal bones is vast. If the side branch does not have Dao bones and cannot practice, then it is not as good as our servants!"

Although the side branch disciples didn't look angry, they didn't make a sound either.

"So what about the servant, he embarked on the road of cultivation, but he has the opportunity to live forever."

"I heard that after the establishment of the foundation, the servant can marry the concubine of the master's family and enter the master's house..."


"Of course it's true. The Foundation Establishment Realm can be in charge of the inner city. Driving magical weapons, flying into the sky and hiding from the ground, and the atmosphere of the fairy family..."

"Can it fly? You mean to fly into the sky?"

"Of course, with a move of the magic weapon, it can split a hill as big as a house..."

"I didn't study, don't lie to me..."

A group of teenagers were whispering underneath.

Every five years, Hejiazhuang will select a group of boys with Taoism aged 13 to [-] to teach Qigong exercises to enrich the team of monks in the master's family.

A boy in gray clothes washed white stared at another handsomely dressed fat man with stupid eyes.

The little fat man slapped his chest, causing the fat on his chest and face to tremble, and replied with a look of contempt:

"My family's surname is He. It's the same surname as the master's family. Of course, I know more than you mud-legged slaves with foreign surnames..."

Zhao Li opened his angry eyes slightly on the stage, and the little fat man immediately shut up and didn't dare to say anything...

The little fat man thought to himself: This teacher is not surnamed He!

After the audience quieted down, Zhao Licai continued to narrate:

"I went to Neizhuang to practice, and what I taught and taught was the Hundred Blades Fist."

"I started practicing qi and boxing at the age of 12, and completed the first level of qi sense breakthrough in half a month."

"At the age of 17, he trained his whole body, broke through the fourth level of Qi training, achieved mana, and was promoted to the master's house in the inner city of Nanyi to practice."

"At the age of 29, he broke through the sixth level of Qi training, and was rewarded with the Suiyuan Pill for his achievements."

"The teaching is so powerful, the speed of this practice is not inferior to the master's disciples!"

"Suiyuan Pill is the most precious treasure in the Qi training realm. If you take it below the Qi training realm, you can break through a small realm."

"Without great achievements, ordinary qi-training monks will not get one in their lifetime."

"That is a precious medicine that can only be taken once in a lifetime..."

The teenagers below became excited, and some of them had already begun to fantasize about being rewarded for their merits.

Hearing the praise from his disciples, reverence was revealed in his eyes, but the teacher's face darkened, remembering that he was as young as them decades ago.

"However, my talent, Zhao Ligen, is limited. I will struggle to make progress in the next five years, and I will be stuck at the sixth level of Qi training."

"I took the Suiyuan pill in advance, and at the age of 34, I stepped into the seventh level of Qi training and became a monk in the late stage of Qi training.

"But in the next ten years, it will be difficult to make progress." josei

"I'm too impatient! Cultivation requires patience, and the worst thing is to avoid depression."

"Cultivation has three essentials: Dao heart, root bone, and opportunity."

"I am not as good as a human. I used the opportunity of Suiyuan Pill in advance, but lost my Dao heart."

"It wasn't until I was more than 50 years old that I figured it out. If I could not be tempted to use Suiyuan Dan when I practiced Qi at the sixth level, I could patiently polish my mana, and I could work hard to reach the seventh level by myself. It's another world."

Zhao Li laughed at himself.

"So, at the age of 60, I was still practicing at the seventh level of qi, and my qi and blood began to decline, but I wanted to understand a truth in the books of the sages."

"There are three essentials in practice, the most important thing is Taoism!"

"So I asked the master to transfer me back to Hejiazhuang as a teacher. I polished my Taoist heart here, and I broke through to the eighth level of Qi training in just five years. After another five years, I broke through to the ninth level of Qi training at the age of 70."

Zhao Li's voice gradually became high-pitched and fascinating, like an old lion, although he was old, he still had a strong spirit.

Qi training environment has a life span of 120 years, he is 40 this year, and now he has completed Qi training, and there are still [-] years left, although there are not many, but there is still a chance.

The great completion of Qi training is only a short distance from the foundation establishment, but unfortunately, the opportunity for foundation establishment has not been sensed. If we can make another breakthrough, the lifespan of the foundation establishment will be doubled. There are 240 years, and there is still a chance to go on the road to longevity...

In his old age, Zhao Li was full of ambition.

"I'm telling you this to let you know that even if your roots and chances are not as good as people's, as long as you have a clear heart, you can cultivate to the ultimate realm of immortality."

"The ancient sages have said: the human heart is only dangerous, and the Taoist heart is only subtle; only the essence is the only one, and you are allowed to stick to it. It is a method of cultivating the mind..."

"Jiaoxi Zhao! He is telling new disciples the famous sayings of the ancestors again!"

Zhao Li was interrupted by a voice like a duck's throat.

He responded flatly, Zhao Li knew who the ugly voice was, he was the number one expert in Hejiazhuang, if he didn't like this person, he naturally didn't have to give face.

A handsome middle-aged man in a blue robe with small eyes walked into the school grounds.

"I've seen Mr. He!"

All the disciples quickly saluted, Mr. He is a real villain, with a small mind, and everyone in the village knows that he would rather sin Zhao Li than sin.

He Gui has been the general manager of any family village for many years, and he is in charge of thousands of people in Hejiazhuang.

Although his cultivation base is only at the ninth level of qi training and has not reached the Great Perfection, who gave him the surname He? Even if he is a side branch, he can still overwhelm Zhao Li, the teacher in Neizhuang, and become the most powerful person in Hejiazhuang.

What's more, his precious daughter, He Zhuyu, has been selected to practice in Nanyi City Master's house.

With her beauty and charm not inferior to her mother's, she may not be unable to accompany the nobles of the master's family.

As long as a nobleman falls in love with her, and she learns from her mother's housework skills, she may not be able to catch the nobleman's heart.

Thinking of the charming Taoist couple, He Gui couldn't help feeling hot in his lower body.

"I'm here to give you a chance."

He Gui squinted his eyes and looked at the new disciples. There were only about 20 people in this year's class, which was worse than usual.

The blood of the collateral line is getting worse and worse, and there has been no Dao bone above the lower rank for more than 30 years.

He Gui said solemnly: "The disciples of Hejiazhuang every five years have the opportunity to enter the master's house to practice."

"The first type, the Tao bone is middle-grade and above, directly enters the master's house, and worships the elders of the family who are above the foundation as teachers."

"The second type is the lower grade of Daogu. After five years, he will break through the fourth level of Qi training on his own, and enter the master's house as a guard."

"The third type is the lower grade of Daogu. After five years, those who have practiced Qi at the third level will have a big competition. The top three will each be rewarded with a body washing pill."

"Those who break through the fourth level of Qi training through Fudan can also enter the master's house as a personal guard. Opportunities are rare, and they must be fought for every time. Fight for it!"

The respectful voices of all the disciples should be yes.

He Guiqi asked Zhao Li with interest:

"Does this year's disciples have good seedlings, who have the opportunity to break through the fourth level of Qi training by themselves like Professor Zhao did back then?"

"It's difficult." Zhao Li responded lightly, "The aptitude of this year's disciples to practice Bairenquan is only at an ordinary level. In the past 20 years, the person with the best aptitude should be Cao Shiqi from the previous class, who was born as a slave. It only took three days to break through the sense of qi, and it took three years to enter the third level of qi training."

"He had the opportunity to break through the fourth level of Qi training on his own within five years, but it's a pity that the young Mu Ai was confused by that He Zhuyu." Zhao Li glanced at He Gui, "Then he kept his hand in the big competition, and was beaten by He Zhuyu." One palm caused a serious injury, and the foundation was broken..."

Some of the new disciples off the field were also well-informed and secretly whispered to each other to share news:

"That Cao Shiqi was driven back to the Waizhuang that day, in that deserted stable, he vomited three liters of blood in the stable that night, and almost died."

"Hehe, the stables can be regarded as his family's ancestral family, and three generations have lived there."

"Then... is he dead?"

"Ming is not dead, but the qi training masters in the village say that he is useless, and he can only reach the third level of qi training in this life..., the way... the path is cut off, yes, that's how to use these four words to describe him."

on the high platform.

Zhao Li turned around and looked at He Gui.

"Then He Zhuyu, isn't it the daughter of Director He?" He said slightly mockingly, "Using this method to snatch other people's opportunity to enter the master's house to practice, what a skill and scheming!"

I don't know if it's He Zhuyu or He Zhuyu's father.

"Hehe..., everything is fate, and it cannot be controlled at all." He Gui was not at all unhappy, but laughed out loud, "Cultivation is a struggle for the Dao, and he has been driven by Dao Xin, and he is tied up in the battle of chance. "

"Who is to blame for losing the opportunity and cutting off the way?" He said without turning his head and turned to leave.

After He Gui left.

Zhao Li said to himself: "Everything is fate? But people who practice don't believe in fate, and cultivating immortals is to compete with the sky..."

"Cao Shiqi, Cao Shiqi! I hope you will have the opportunity to regain the avenue and not waste your talent."


At the same time, beside a tributary of the Bishui River.

A 20-year-old handsome young man named Cao Shiqi is practicing Bairenquan.

Like an elephant, like a dragon, like an eagle, like a lion, with hundreds of blades hidden all over his body, the air blade contains a golden edge...

If anyone saw it, they would definitely be stunned. The rumored Cao Shiqi, whose foundation had been crippled, had actually recovered!

Moreover, the cultivation level has been raised to a higher level, and mana has been refined, not the fourth level, but the sixth level peak.

This is nine years faster than Zhao Li, the number one expert in Hejiazhuang...

No one knew about Cao Shiqi's cultivation base, and he was well versed in the principles of being cautious and low-key, so he didn't disclose it to anyone in the past five years.

What's more, he has a more important secret, he is no longer the original Cao Shiqi.

He awakened the memory of his previous life, the memory of an earthling...

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