Get to Know about Wife Fan

Chapter 35 - He’s Different. He Looks Best.

Chapter 35 – He’s Different. He Looks Best.

The next morning, Sheng Qiao went to the airport to take a plane with a huge suitcase.

In the taxi, the driver recognized her and asked for her autograph. Sheng Qiao wrote “Happy New Year”. There are still a few days to Spring Festival Eve. Although it’s cold, there is still a lively and festive atmosphere in the cold.

There is no fan delivery for private trip, everyone hurries to their warm home. Sheng Qiao has been running all the way. It’s already afternoon when she gets home.

She told Sheng’s mother in advance that she would come back. As soon as she entered the door, she could smell the delicious food. Though she is in a wheelchair, she has been used to it for so many years. All the facilities at home are specially customized to suit her height.

Sheng Qiao rushed to give her a big hug and said, “Mom, I’m back. Do you miss me?”

Sheng’s mother touched her head, kissed her face, and pointed to the TV: “you can be seen every day.”

Under the TV cabinet is an old-fashioned DVD player. Now there are many places that don’t sell this kind of pirated disc, but Sheng’s mother has been using it. She bought all the CDs of her daughter’s TV series in the town’s audio-visual shop and played them repeatedly at home.

Everyone in the town knows that the woman who sells insoles in a wheelchair loves watching TV plays most.

The quilts in the room have all been replaced and are clean. Sheng Qiao opens the suitcase to clean up her clothes: “I said I came back to clean by myself, you did it.”

She took the two down jackets out of the suitcase, each in each hand, “are they good-looking?”

Sheng’s mother knew at a glance that she had bought it for her. The style is a little old for herself.

“I told you not to buy it, you girl.” That’s what she said, but the joy in her eyes can’t be hidden. Sheng Qiao helped her try on her clothes. They were all suitable. Keeping warm was the most important thing.

Sheng’s mother looked in the mirror and asked her, “is it expensive?”

“It’s not expensive. It’s on sale.”

Sheng’s mother is relieved.

The next morning, Sheng Qiao went out to buy food just like a penguin. Everyone is dressed in hats and masks. It’s not surprising to see her. She also chopped dumpling stuffing and bought three Jin dumpling skin. After breakfast, she sat in the living room, making dumplings and watching a play.

What’s on TV is actually Huo Xi’s play.

It’s a costume drama made in the last two years. When it was first broadcast, the fans were watching it for ratings. It was really the third consecutive broadcast of computer, mobile phone and iPad. She also watched it over and over again.

Huo Xi’s acting skill is not so perfect, but it’s improving every year. It’s good in a lot of flow stars.

Even if she has seen it 80 times, she can remember the next line, and she will not delay her interest at the moment.

Then Sheng’s mother saw her daughter wrapping dumplings and saying, “what kind of great heroes are you? Is it a hero who steals the dog? “

The line is faster than the main character: “I don’t want to embarrass you, because I want to recite my old school love, but you only think I dare not hold the sword?”

Even the tone should be learned: “hahaha, have a good time! Farewell today and cherish each other! Green mountains do not change, green water flows forever! “

Sheng’s mother:“…”

Don’t be a fool?

After a round of packing, put it in the refrigerator. Sheng Qiao points to the man on screen: “Mom, does he look good?”

Sheng’s mother said, “nice. All the stars are good-looking. “

“He’s different. He looks best!”

Sheng’s mother looked at him carefully for a while. “Well, he’s better than those next to him.” Looking up at her daughter’s eyes, “do you like him?”

“Um! He is very good, has a good character, has a good outlook and is good at everything. “

Sheng’s mother gave her a white look: “it’s not a long time before it’s changed again.”

Sheng Qiao:“???”

What do you mean by that?

Sheng’s mother is still making dumplings: “I think the one before is better. This one looks too young. Is he about your age? “josei

“He’s three years older than me. He’s twenty-eight.”

“Oh, that’s good looking, looking young.”

Sheng Qiao approached, picked up a piece of dumpling skin, pondered and asked, “how did I tell you about the one before?”

Sheng’s mother smiled and patted her: “you are the little girl’s nature. When you see one, you forget the other. Last time you said that someone else is the moon, no one can match it.”

Sheng Qiao:“…”

Moon??? Meng Xingchen???!!!

What the fuck.

During the lunch, Sheng Qiao was absent-minded. After eating, She quickly took out her mobile phone and carefully checked the call records, wechat records and microblog records.

No, nothing.

Her contact with Meng Xingchen is only limited to the moon in the address book, even wechat.

She turned over the video cabinet. Except for Sheng Qiao herself, all the other plays were Meng Xingchen’s. From the beginning of his career, to the time when he became the Brandy Film Emperor, to the time when he nominated the Golden Horse, none of them fell.

Sheng Qiao sat on the floor and held her head.


He is her moon.

My world, the sun can not come in, cold and dark, only the moon, gave the only light.

On New Year’s Eve, firecrackers to welcome the new year. In remote towns, fireworks and firecrackers were not controlled, and they exploded around at 12 o’clock, making Sheng Qiao unable to hear the most expected skits.

Finally, she simply pushed Sheng’s mother out to see the fireworks.

Children scurrying about in the street, all the lights were bright, Sheng Qiao was infected by the atmosphere, and also went to buy several boxes of fireworks and put them at the door. The second hand gradually points to twelve. She takes out her mobile phone and clicks on Huo Xi’s wechat to write down a happy new year. At the moment when the New Year bell rings, those four words with all her sincerity and love fly to the person she loves.

This is the first Spring Festival she had after she left her parents and brother.

It’s also the first Spring Festival she spent with her new mother.

This year, her world has changed dramatically, and she can only go forward.

After returning to the room, Sheng Qiao sent a big red envelope in managing group. Everyone was still awake. It was too noisy to rob red envelopes. She didn’t go to bed until midnight. The next day, she didn’t want to get up. Sheng’s mother didn’t call her.

It wasn’t long before the shutter door was clapped and banged. Someone called her: “Little Qiao! Little Qiao! Something’s wrong with your mother! “

Sheng Qiao turned over, too late to wear her shoes. She put on a coat and rushed out.

Sheng’s mother fell down while taking out the garbage. These days, it has been snowing. The ground is wet and slippery. She is in a wheelchair and can’t work hard. The wheel slips for some reason. All the way out of control, she hit the rail and turned over.

Sheng’s mother has been sent to the hospital in the town by her neighbors, and Sheng Qiao hurriedly dressed and rushed to the hospital.

When she arrived, the doctor was treating Sheng’s mother. It was not a big problem. She was wearing thick clothes in winter, so she only had some small bruises. But the place where her leg broke hurt this winter, and it hurt even more.

Seeing Sheng’s mother in a wheelchair doing things inconveniently, Sheng Qiao is really distressed and remorseful. Qiao’s mother is in good care of Qiao’s father and Qiao Yu. Usually there are nannies at home, but Sheng’s mother is only one person.

How did she get used to it all these years?

During the treatment, Sheng Qiao didn’t speak. When the doctor left, she followed up and asked, “can my mother’s leg be equipped with a prosthesis?”

“Of course.”

“How much is it?”

“I’m not sure. There are cheap ones and expensive ones, tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, depending on your own needs. And we can’t equip it here. You have to go to the city hospital. “

Tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands…

Sheng Qiao thought about the balance of her card, and felt the feeling of lack of money for the first time.

She can’t even make a cheap prosthetic for her mother. Qiao Yu’s legal fees are only a token fee, but it’s not cheap for her. In the capital there were a lot of expenses, and she has to rent again when the house expires.

She wants her mother to be taken care of in the capital. At least she needs to rent a house with convenient access, safe space and spacious space. She often goes out to make movies and TV shows. She has to find a nanny to rest assured. If she wants to settle down and buy a house, she also needs a car for her.

Which is not a great price for her now、

Why is she so poor!

Soon Sheng’s mother came out of her wheelchair. Seeing her eyes red in the corridor, she said softly, “Qiao Qiao, we are home.”

Sheng Qiao put away the negative emotions.

She pushed Sheng’s mother home. There was a light snow in the sky. The town hospital was not far from home. She walked slowly in the snow. Her wheelchair pressed the snow on the ground, leaving a long trace.

Sheng’s mother wanted to make her happy. She was talking on purpose all the way, but Sheng Qiao was still silent. When she got home, she turned over the contracts that were under pressure at the bottom of the box.

One by one, go and see it again.

Finally, the focus is on the contract of Zhongxia media.

The exquisite man in Gucci’s perfume was still in her ear: “the starting point decides the height. Why not choose the best platform to start over? “

They can give her the best resources, the best conditions, the most money.

It’s pressure, it’s opportunity.

She can’t change back to her original self.

Since she has decided to continue in this circle, she should not think about ease and stability. No famous artist has come easily all the way. Behind their brilliance is the unknown bitterness and devotion.

She wants to be strong.

She has to be strong.

Only in this way can she not be helpless when the people she cares about needs help.

Sheng Qiao tore the contract documents of other companies, leaving only those of Zhongxia media. But she didn’t take the initiative to call Zhongxia media.

The new year continues.

By the sixth day of the lunar new year, one day before the end of the Spring Festival legal holiday, Sheng Qiao began to receive phone calls from various agents, and she uniformly replied to them on the eighth day of the lunar new year to give them accurate answers.

In the afternoon of the seventh day of the lunar new year, she waited for a phone call from Zhongxia media.

The man named Bei Mingfan first smiled and wished her a happy new year, and then asked, “how is Miss Sheng thinking?”

Sheng Qiao is not surprised: “to tell you the truth, your company is indeed within my intention.”

Bei Mingfan didn’t interrupt, knowing that she had something to say next.

“But the cooperation is bilateral. Some of the previous styles of Zhongxia media are not suitable for me, which makes me hesitant.”

“I don’t know what style Miss Sheng said.”

“Mr. Bei, I won’t go around with you. I really appreciate your trust and support, but I also have several conditions. If Mr. Bei can accept, I can sign a contract with you at any time. “

“Tell me.”

“I’m not a professional actor, and my acting skills still need to be honed. I hope the company can find a senior teacher who has passed the performance test to guide me.”

“I can promise you that.”

“Although I have a junior high school degree, I have been studying in private all these years, but I don’t know much about the promotion of domestic education. I hope the company can help me arrange the corresponding examination.”

“Miss Sheng has a studious heart, which is natural.”

“After signing the contract, I hope that the company will not use the speculation CP to improve its popularity. Mr. Bei should know the means star shining media used in me in the past few years. I’m afraid of these things. “

“Unlike star shining media, we don’t need others to improve our popularity. You can rest assured.”

“Finally, I don’t want the company to set me up. What I am is what I am. “

Bei Mingfan laughed: “Miss Sheng is already very gratifying. We won’t do more than that.”

If she is not pleasant, she won’t turn over through a live variety, from the whole network of black ridicule to the current passers-by’s perception adjustment, and fans are bent on it. She did not rely on any company, a person to turn the tide.

That’s why he likes Sheng Qiao.

Bei Mingfan was surprisingly good at talking, which surprised Sheng Qiao a little. However, all her demands are reasonable, and he will not be surprised to agree.

“I will add these conditions mentioned by Miss Sheng to the contract. I don’t know when Miss Sheng will come back?”

“My plane tonight.”

“I’ll send a car to pick you up at nine o’clock tomorrow morning. See you at our company.”


Hang up, Sheng Qiao begins to collect the luggage. Sheng’s mother says nothing and makes a good dish. After dinner, Sheng Qiao is about to leave for the airport.

She didn’t ask for any of the things Sheng’s mother prepared.

Half kneeling in front of the wheelchair, holding Sheng’s mother, she whispered, “Mom, wait for me for a while, and I’ll take you to Beijing soon.”

Sheng’s mother has been waiting for this sentence for six years.

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