Get to Know about Wife Fan

Chapter 1 - I Don’t Want to Be the Person I Hate the Most!

Chapter 1 – I Donreamp’t Want to Be the Person I Hate the Most!

Popular Flow Data idol Huo Xi will attend a business show in Seven Pines tomorrow evening, and fans are heading to the airport to pick up their idol. As Huo Xi’s front-line Station Lady, Qiao Qiao, a wife fan, went out with her camera.

After boarding the car, she looked through Weibo and found that Sheng Qiao was listed another hot search.

If she says who Qiao Qiao hates most in the entertainment circle, it is Sheng Qiao, absolutely.

The star, named “Huo Xi’s junior sister apprentice”, made her debut in an outdoor reality show without any representative works, and then opened her life as an artist.

It had nothing to do with Huo Xi at first.

One is a front-line flow data idol who has over 70 million fans in Weibo, and the other is the new comer star, who has no representative works. Apart from they come from the same brokerage company, they have no relations. Reasonably, Huo Xi’s fans, who tore up all over the entertainment industry, didn’t really take this little sister into account at first.

They are not at the same level, tearing her up is equal to poverty alleviation, okay?

The bad thing is that Huo Xi was invited as a guest in the fourth issue of the reality show.

The younger sister apprentice held out her claws to Huo Xi to meet the expectations of the public. During the shooting period, she made all kinds of pretensions and played tricks, and tossed Huo Xi to death. Workers revealed that Huo Xi fell ill on the day of the end of the recording.

Then it stabbed the honeycomb. Are flow data star’s fans vulnerable? They directly tear the newcomer without any popularity to the top of the hot search list.

Within a day, most netizens basically know Sheng Qiao’s existence.

However, instead of staying away from Huo Xi because she had suffered, her team began to bundle Huo Xi and speculate CP. Gossip notices never stopped.

Fans were so angry that they tore Sheng Qiao in their hands. Every day, every day, Sheng Qiao, the unrepresentative newcomer, was torn into hot star by Huo Xi’s fans.

Wait? Fans are so confused. Are we being exploited?

Well, that’s how hatred begins.

The daily real-name dissing Sheng Qiao has become Huo Xi’s fans’ daily routine, and Sheng Qiao’s team seems to be planning to go the black and red road to the end, and don’t be afraid of being ridiculed by the whole network. Later, she received several costume dramas with good looks, but the acting skills were too embarrassing and the ratings were flat. During the broadcasting period, all the popularityt came from gossip with Huo Xi.

Can’t they get rid of this dog skin ointment in life? Star Shining Media, a brokerage company, has repeatedly tolerated the Sheng Qiao team touching Huo Xi, so fans tore Star Shining Media into a hot search.

Huo Xi’s fans’ fighting power can be said to have rare rival in the whole entertainment industry, among which Station Lady Qiao Qiao is the best.

At this time, Qiao Qiao, one of the most outstanding people, was sneering and watching the hot search. The driver’s phone rang in front of her. As he answered the phone, he turned on the right turning light. Qiao Qiao looked up and wanted to say don’t answer the phone while driving. Suddenly, a series of loudspeakers sounded in the rear lane.

Qiao Qiao did not respond, only heard a loud bang, the rear of the car was knocked upside down, Qiao Qiao all flew forward, holding the long focus lens that had just been bought from abroad and has not been used.

There is only one idea between the twists of heaven and earth.

It’s disgraceful to die on the way of chasing the idol.

* * * * * *

Wake up in hospital.

Not dead, that’s great.

Qiao Qiao struggled to sit up. There was nobody in the snow-white ward. She looked around, but did not see her valuable photographic equipment. Still dripping on the back of her hand, she rang the bell and called for the nurse to come.

“Where’s my bag? It’s the black one. It’s equipped with camera equipment.”

“Sorry, I haven’t seen the bag you said.”

Qiao Qiao is a little anxious, comparing with that: “It’s so big, I sealed it, can you help me find it?”

“Really not.” The nurse’s tone was not very friendly. She looked at her a few times. “Miss Sheng, when you were sent to the hospital, you had nothing around you. You can ask your agent if you don’t believe it.”

Qiao Qiao did not respond for a moment, hesitated for a moment and asked, “What do you call me?”

“Miss Sheng.”

Qiao Qiao suddenly trembled, goosebumps crawled all over her body in an instant, and she asked again with difficulty, “Sheng what?”

“Sheng Qiao. Miss Sheng, is there anything else wrong with you? I’ll call you a doctor.

Qiao Qiao’s eyes turned dizzy.

When she woke up again, she was surrounded by a woman wearing golden glasses. Her face was thin and her cheekbones were very tall. At first glance, she was a powerful character. Qiao Qiao opened her eyes and did not want to say anything.

After years of tearing up with Sheng Qiao’s team, can she not recognize her agent Gao Meiling?

Gao Meiling saw her wake up and frowned. Her voice was not so mild. She asked her, “Are you better?”

Qiao Qiao closed her eyes and turned her head. She didn’t want to talk with her.

Gao Meiling gave her a push. “What else is wrong? You’ll be discharged in a minute. You’ll check all the checks.”

Qiao Qiao’s voice squeezed hard out of her mouth: “You go out first, I want to be quiet.”

“Sheng Qiao, the talk show I won for you is about to be recorded in an hour. Are you sure you want to be quiet again?”

Qiao Qiao:“……”

This must be a dream, this is a dream. God, I don’t want to be the one I hate the most!

Qiao Qiao closed her eyes and shook her head desperately. Gao Meiling was impatient and threw open her quilt.

“Sheng Qiao, were you fooled? How many thoughts did I take down the talk show? You said you would not go if you didn’t want to go? Gao Meiling said impatiently, “Get up and wash your face. Orange will be right there.”

Orange is Sheng Qiao’s stylist.

Qiao Qiao hasn’t accepted the fact that “I don’t…”

Gao Meiling gave her a hard look, but she dared not speak the rest. Finally, she knows why Sheng Qiao’s team is so difficult, and the agent is too fierce.

Orange came quickly with a three-storey bag. “Sister Qiao Qiao, are you okay? I was frightened to death to hear that you had an accident.”

As he was speaking, Gao Meiling came in from outside and handed her a document. “The questions the host will ask tonight, recite them again.”

Qiao Qiao holds the document, Gao Meiling looks at her slow-moving appearance and gets angry and yells at her: “Let you recite it quickly, don’t you hear it! I told you about this year’s packing plan. Get used to it for your new image! If anything is wrong I will fix you!”josei

Qiao Qiao resisted the collapse and was reluctant to look through the documents.

Time is too tight, Orange only gave her a light makeup. When she went to the bathroom, she looked in the mirror at the face she hated most.

Face is really small, palm big, skin is also good, water like, beautiful but not attractive, if there is no previous black material, this is probably a first love face.

Gao Meiling shouted out at her, “Is it all right? Come out and get ready to go.”

Qiao Qiao followed them to the studio.

During the recording of the program, her mind was muddy. Fortunately, the host had a deep foundation. She recited the answers according to the text, and finally finished the program without any danger.

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are not scheduled. Gao Meiling talks to her with a straight face and asks her assistant to take her home.

On the way, Qiao Qiao paralyzed in the back seat, closed her eyes and carefully re-poked everything that happened today.

All senses are real.

She did become Sheng Qiao.

She doesn’t know why this happened, but the most important thing is to find a way back to herself. The car sped along and took her to Sheng Qiao’s place. Qiao Qiao was shocked by the layout of the house when he entered, closed the door and turned on the light.

The room is really empty. Apart from the necessary living furniture, there is nothing else, showing a cold taste.

She looked around and saw that the house had two rooms and two halls. It was not very big and the decorations were very simple. It really did not look like a place where a female star lived.

After the visit, she changed clothes, put on a hat and a mask, and went out to take a taxi.

It’s the address of her home.

The Qiao family is not a very rich family, but it is also a solid rich family. Qiao’s father started business in real estate a few years ago, and Qiao’s is now a well-known real estate group. Qiao’s mother is a famous Chinese painter in China. Because of her congenital weakness, Qiao’s mother is inconvenient in legs early and sits in a wheelchair all year round.

Qiao Qiao also has an elder brother, a law major, who is now a well-known economic lawyer in the legal profession.

Everyone in the family is a top-notch person, only she is addicted to the pursuit of stars.

Saying too much causes tears, all the blame is on Huo Xi’s too charming.

The car delivers her soon.

Qiao Qiao hurried inside and was stopped by the security guard within a few steps. In high-end residential areas, visitors must be registered, not to mention that she was wearing a hat and sunglasses this evening.

Qiao Qiao had no choice but to pull out her ID card and fill in the visiting information. The security guard looked at it a few times and murmured, “Sheng Qiao? Isn’t that the actress?

She dared not raise her head and slipped in.

She came to her home, a single villa, a light on the door, the living room with lights on, curtains half pulled, barely able to see the scene in the room.

Qiao’s father sat on the sofa and read the newspaper. Qiao’s mother peeled apples in a wheelchair beside him. Both looked normal and did not have any worries.

Is her body awake?

Qiao Qiao was anxious to see more clearly. Just a few steps forward, the door suddenly opens from the inside, and out came a man wearing slippers and carrying rubbish.

Seeing the sneaky figure in the doorway, he was immediately alert and said, “Who is it?”

Qiao Qiao was shocked, but did not reply. The man approached fiercely and grabbed her arm. Qiao Qiao screamed, “Qiao Yu, you hurt me!”

It was her elder brother who came.

Hearing the other party shout his name, like they are familiar, Qiao Yu let go, looked at her a few eyes, and asked, “Who are you? What are you doing at my door so late?

Qiao Qiao’s brain is moving very fast, organizing wording: “I am Qiao Qiao’s classmate, heard that she had a car accident today, I want to see her.”

She had guessed what Qiao Yu was going to ask next.

—— You are Qiao Qiao’s classmate. Why don’t you call or knock in?

She also figured out how to deal with it.

—— Because She had been blackened by Qiao Qiao because she said something bad aboutl Huo Xi, so she can only come secretly.

Qiao Qiao praised her cleverness and wit.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Yu looked at her several times and asked strangely, “Who is Qiao Qiao?”

Qiao Qiao almost jumped up and said, “Your sister!”

Qiao Yu said, “Why are you still swearing?”

“No, I mean, Qiao Qiao is your sister!”

After that, Qiao Yu’s lost vigilance surged up again. “I don’t have a sister. Say, who the hell are you?”

The noise at the door had already alarmed Qiao’s father and Qiao’s mother in the house. Qiao’s father came out and stood at the door and shouted, “Yu, what’s the matter?”

Qiao Yu stared at Qiao Qiao and did not look back. “A thief was caught.”

Qiao Qiao was impatient. “I am not a thief! I’m here to visit Qiao Qiao!”

Seeing that she was a girl and thin, she didn’t look like a thief. Qiao’s father said kindly, “did you find the wrong place? We don’t have a Qiao Qiao here.”

Qiao Qiao seems to have been hit in the head. Her feet are unstable. She subconsciously grabs Qiao Yu’s hand. Who knows that Qiao Yu dodged on his side, and she fell to the ground with his head heavy and feet light.

Her head was buzzing. She reached out and grabbed Qiao Yu’s trousers. She looked up and spoke with difficulty: “Qiao Qiao, Xiao Qiao, you always scold her for chasing stars, your sister…”

Qiao Yu frowned and Qiao’s father approached. “Yu, get her up and see if take her to the hospital.”

Qiao Yu squatted down and looked at her with his head sideways. He thought the face was familiar. Qiao’s father slapped him on the back of the head and said, “Stinky boy! Get her up soon! “

Qiao Yu just stretched out his hand. Unexpectedly, the person in front of him suddenly cried, “I don’t want you to help me! You pretend not to know me! You must not touch me!”

Where did the neurosis come from this night?

Qiao Yu said to Qiao’s father, “Let’s call the police first. It seems that there is a problem here.” He pointed to his head.

Qiao’s father nodded, took out his cell phone and prepared to call the police. Suddenly, a faint voice came from the side of the mall, “she is my friend.”

Qiao Yu and Qiao’s father turned their heads at the same time. The young runners in sports clothes approached slowly, raised the eaves of their caps and showed a pair of indifferent eyes.

Qiao Yu recognized him at a glance: “Huo Xi?!”

He nodded and looked at Qiao Qiao, who was still sitting on the ground crying. “She’s here to find me. She’s bothering you.” Then he squatted down and held Qiao Qiao’s arm. “Let’s go.”

Qiao Qiao was crying bitterly. Her eyes were dim and she saw the most familiar and farthest face appeared in front of her eyes. The cry was stuck in her throat.

Huo Xi helped her up and took Qiao Qiao away, who was still in a state of obscurity.

Qiao Yu finally responded, the girl… Like Sheng Qiao?

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