Game’s Dogma

Chapter 370: Force Rupture

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Zealler didn’t wait for them to react. Once they were within the combat area of the dungeon, he immediately howled and sprung into action. He couldn’t speak as he was acting as a system-generated illusion. Although he was seeking vengeance, he still held onto the slight hope that he might fool the system.8964 copyright protection461PENANAs6e174vxoj 維尼

The tall beastman leapt into the air and dropped like a meteor. Drako Yau’s face fell as he immediately cried, “Run!”8964 copyright protection461PENANASyIYxAJZhM 維尼

The boss was attacking far too quickly. Usually, dungeon bosses would put on a fierce pose before attacking once players entered its aggro zone, yet things were completely different this time.8964 copyright protection461PENANADLznhXl5KW 維尼

Though they were all elites, they were players and saw the game as a game. They were used to the game’s settings and expected the same in this dungeon. But this was a life-and-death battle for Zealler; he wouldn’t stand there and greet his enemies before attacking.8964 copyright protection461PENANAdvCpxdc3Rf 維尼

Apart from Drako Yau, the four only realised the situation by the time Zealler came crashing down on them. Greenstone had the quickest reaction and dodged to the left with his nimble footwork. Danting shrieked and broke his physical limits to form the teleportation array in a split second then jumped in, leaving behind Windstrider and Idyllic Poet to face their impending doom.8964 copyright protection461PENANAS2DtxkkJw4 維尼

Windstrider embraced Idyllic Poet and turned his back towards Zealler in hopes of defending her. He knew it was useless, but he did it regardless out of instinct.8964 copyright protection461PENANAJ7XgnXFeLx 維尼

Suddenly, a roar reached them. An orange dragon clung onto them, then reeled them away moments before Zealler smashed a crater in the ground. The resulting earthquake almost knocked them to the ground.8964 copyright protection461PENANA7Q507Ctey5 維尼

Windstrider’s seemingly futile action somehow saved him and Idyllic Poet. If he hadn’t held onto her, Drako Yau couldn’t have rescued them both using Dragon Capturing Hand no matter how powerful he was.8964 copyright protection461PENANA6FyBGOBtSC 維尼

“Stay in formation!” Drako Yau shouted. His Devil King’s Cloak shot up behind him and formed a vague silhouette of a person; Descent of the Devil King—the overpowered active skill of his legendary cloak that granted a forty per cent buff to all attributes for two hours!8964 copyright protection461PENANAN3qwjxY4zw 維尼

The strange situation sent goosebumps all over Drako Yau. The sense of crisis he felt right now was comparable to when he encountered the fire crystal master.8964 copyright protection461PENANAk0QPFsyD5d 維尼josei

Windstrider had already let go of Idyllic Poet and began firing away. With his dual guns, he circled Zealler while shooting non-stop—Corner Strike! Although rangers had a large variety of skills, their cooldown was somewhat long for Windstrider, who wielded two guns. He could cast skills and attack exceptionally quickly, so he never gave up on the few Noh Firearms Marksmanship skills as they provided the best damage output. 8964 copyright protection461PENANAFCrLqAKwrG 維尼

At the same time, Danting appeared from behind Zealler through his teleportation array and slashed his Divine Martial Sword dyed in the trademark black aura of magic swordsmen.8964 copyright protection461PENANAAGuBNDtBrY 維尼

Zealler growled in surprise. The puny humans were strong enough to threaten his life! With a buzz, his skin gave off a metallic sheen; it was the effect of the beastmen’s innate skill, Metal Hide.8964 copyright protection461PENANABztQB33opN 維尼

Metal Hide was the reason why beastmen made the best vanguards and chargers in wars. As a royal, Zealler’s Metal Hide was even more potent and granted greater defence against physical and magical attacks than his brethren.8964 copyright protection461PENANAfy63bux27l 維尼

The volley of bullets splattered Zealler in a series of clinks. Despite activating Metal Hide, he still felt a wave of pain. A greatsword slashed towards him moments after. As Danting roared, he swiped his left hand across his blade, endowing arcane glyphs that radiated a cold blue glow.8964 copyright protection461PENANAWs4pi2uOUt 維尼

Another metallic clash rang out. A layer of frost formed on Zealler’s arm—Frost Slash, a Magic Swordsman skill! Zealler was all the more surprised as he thought, How does he know ice is the nemesis of Metal Hide! He instantly whipped his unaffected arm at Danting and sent the swordsman flying away.8964 copyright protection461PENANAPFudUYkFh4 維尼

A green glow landed on Danting immediately after he was knocked away. Greenstone was displaying his extraordinary timing and technique as a cleric once again.8964 copyright protection461PENANAxTBV2xtHYr 維尼

Drako Yau shouted, “This guy’s weak against ice!” He stabbed his spear into the ground, conjuring a blooming flower of ice beneath Zealler.8964 copyright protection461PENANATpqoLeUVjh 維尼

Zealler leapt just in time to evade the icy flower beneath him. Once he was in the air, five golden beams blasted him—Soaring Suns! However, Zealler seemed more delighted than worried about the incoming beams. He twisted his body mid-air and received the spell with his frozen arm. Like rocks tossed into a lake, the scorching beams induced several ripples that tore apart the ice that locked his arm in place.8964 copyright protection461PENANA5kElkHbKjv 維尼

“He’s fire resistant! Poet, stop dealing damage and control him instead!” Drako Yau yelled as he stomped the ground and propelled himself towards Zealler.8964 copyright protection461PENANATvnZYCsl7T 維尼

Zealler glared at Drako Yau with vengeful eyes and yelled without restraint, “Die!”8964 copyright protection461PENANAIDtwlohZZa 維尼

Drako Yau returned a cold gaze. Once he learnt about the beastman’s weakness, it was of little threat to him. He thrust his spear forwards with its sapphire end—Frozen Strike! He wasn’t particularly fond of this skill, but it was surprisingly suitable for thrusting, so he instinctively used it whenever he made a thrust. It felt as if he didn’t use the skill on purpose but only because they had the same goal.8964 copyright protection461PENANAJwyvm5pji4 維尼

Using the Cryoflame style, Drako Yau infused his internal forces into the thrust that contained the power of a skill and his technique. The metallic clash no longer rang out, this time replaced by a pop. He felt a major blow hammering his body as he shot backwards while grunting.8964 copyright protection461PENANAM8scfKnCsQ 維尼

“Arghhh!” Zealler howled in agony. He could no longer hide his sentience and pretend to be a typical dungeon boss. The thrust fractured his left fist, but no blood flowed out of the wounds because his entire arm was frozen. 8964 copyright protection461PENANAFDmoowmzbs 維尼

Beastmen royals’ Metal Hide was special. It fortified their skin into metal and dissipated the force of impact all over their body, serving as a buffer to receive more damage. However, this characteristic also came with a weakness. Once they sustained damage that broke through their Metal Hide’s defences, the injury would also spread across the body, rendering Metal Hide completely unusable.8964 copyright protection461PENANAlQ3MKGlcHz 維尼

This condition was known as force rupture.8964 copyright protection461PENANAjkywGe7RhG 維尼

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