Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 500: Lecturer Certification

Looking at the man heading to the test, Xiang Ning asked Lu Shiyu in a hushed voice, “What’s the test about?”

“It’s similar to our battle network, a perfect simulation. The higher you score, the more resources you’ll get. It’s similar to Marsh City. Look, there’s already more than ninety people on the rankings. You came with the last batch of students. We have roughly a hundred and thirty students in this cohort.”

Xiang Ning nodded and waited for his turn. There were ten machines, so they could admit ten people at a time for the test.

Each test lasted ten minutes or so. Xiang Ning waited until the very last because he had thought that he wouldn’t need to undergo the test. He was a lecturer, after all, so he let the students register first. There was no rush.

Soon, it was his turn. He walked up and greeted the lecturer. “Hello, I’m Xiang Ning.”

“Hello there.”

Xiang Ning stood there motionlessly, as if he was waiting for something. The other students who had finished their test turned and gave him puzzled looks.

“Are you alright?”

“Uh… I’m Xiang Ning.”

“Yes, I know. Please place your hand on the device.” The lecturer wasn’t mad.

Xiang Ning scratched his head. Wait, did Lu Zhenyu not inform them of my arrival? But then again, they probably need to verify my identity. He placed his hand on the device. The other students thought he was trying to use his identity to curry favor with the lecturer, so they didn’t think too highly of him.

Xiang Ning

Identification card number 4414xxx415

The lecturer frowned at the screen. Where’s his strength level? Is he a normal person? But his data exists in the system, so it can’t be wrong. “I’m sorry, could you test yourself first? It’s likely that there’s an error in the system, so I have to contact someone to check. As for the rest, please go and collect your dorm keys from that lecturer over there.”

The students didn’t know what was happening, but the girl that sat beside Xiang Ning on the plane sighed and shook her head. To her, he was someone who had enrolled using his connections and not his strength. Such a disgrace! Maybe that was why he had let everyone else register first. Everyone had finished their tests, but Xiang Ning’s was just about to start. It looked like he wouldn’t even have enough time to do the test—it was almost 4 pm. She ignored him and walked away; she still needed to get the key from the other lecturer.

Xiang Ning stood there awkwardly. Should I wait here or not?

“Haha. Look at him. He must’ve become an idiot from cultivating. He’s still standing there.”

“Shh. Don't provoke him. This isn’t your city.”


Everyone there wore extravagant clothes. All of them remembered Xiang Ning after looking at his simple clothes. There were many commoners in the university, but there were even more rich kids with influential families.

Not all of them had relied on their family resources. Many of them had instead relied on their own talent and strength to grow. It was thanks to the superior genes passed down in their families.

As many of the students left, some of them recalled how Kong Hui told them to work together. They stayed for a bit to wait for Xiang Ning, but soon joined the crowd and left.

Even after everyone had left, Xiang Ning didn’t take the test. Lu Shiyu was curious. “Xiang Ning, why aren’t you taking the test?”

“Didn’t your brother tell you?”

“Hmm? My brother only told me that you’d be coming today.” Lu Shiyu stood there and thought about it. Perhaps there was something he forgot to mention?

“Your brother gave me a contract to become a lecturer here. I’m here as a lecturer, not a student, although I can still attend classes in my spare time.”

In the university, lecturers could still attend classes like students. The lecturers were all tier seven cultivators that had great knowledge and insight, all of whom had gone through a rigorous selection process before being granted the title of lecturer. Only then could they teach the new generation of students.

Some of the students who graduated wanted to stay there, so they would apply to be one, but it wasn’t an easy post to obtain.

There were roughly fifty lecturers in total for the entire university. Thirty of them were permanently stationed there, while the rest would be sent to various locations around the world to fulfill some missions. They would return to rest and teach in between missions.

Lu Shiyu was surprised that Xiang Ning had been able to obtain the post of lecturer, but she knew how strong he was. The only thing that bothered her was his age—he was only eighteen! But he could still become a lecturer. It was insane. It was most likely something crazy that only her brother could pull off. That was probably why his information wasn’t completely displayed earlier. There was certain information that the university would withhold from their students.

As they were talking, the previous lecturer returned with a lady beside him. When he saw Xiang Ning, he smiled and explained, “Good day, Xiang Ning. You are supposed to register at another location, but my colleague came over here to save you the trouble of running there.”

“Oh, thank you so much!”

“Don’t worry. Just call me Ms. Lu. Please look at the camera and blink.” Ms. Lu produced a small metal sphere with a camera embedded in it.

The hall was devoid of students, so the rest of the lecturers came over to see what the commotion was about. When they learned that they were getting a new colleague, many of them were excited and shocked at how young he was.

Xiang Ning stared at the camera and blinked, then a screen was projected above the metal sphere.

Xiang Ning

Tier seven, four-star martial artist

Tier seven, four-star spiritual cultivatorjosei

Bearer of the Broken Blade Knight medal

Earth’s Federation High-ranked Researcher

Identification card number 4414xxx415

Identity verified. Welcome to the University of Warfare

When the information popped up on the screen, everyone almost lost their marbles. Xiang Ning scratched his head in embarrassment. He didn’t know that it would display all of his information for everyone to see. He was still young, after all.

Even Lu Shiyu was in stunned disbelief. She had known that Xiang Ning was strong, but the reality still blew her mind.

The other lecturers finally calmed down. While all of them were also tier seven sect masters, a tier seven dual cultivator was extremely rare! But what shocked them the most was that Xiang Ning was both a bearer of the Broken Blade Knight medal and a holder of the title of a High-ranked Researcher!

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