Feng Yu Jiu Tian

Chapter Volume 18 8 part3

Translator: churnie

No editor

As Feng Ming listened, he looked at the ‘weapon-making master’ who was greater than he had expected and thought to himself, this looked a bit like a mild autism, but he didn’t know whether it was congenital or acquired.

This time, unexpectedly, the skinny Zhu Xuan nods immediately.

Rong Hu is alert at this time and interjects, “Where did you learn mathematical sciences?”

Because in this era, it’s not easy for ordinary people to learn to read and ordinary people don’t have the opportunity to come into contact with mathematical sciences which is closely related to architecture.

The third princess of Fan Jia was also attracted by Feng Ming’s babble up about “Xirei’s number one mathematics and science”. The degree to which mathematics is valued by the privileged class can be seen from this.

No matter how shocking the talent of Zhu Xuan’s mathematical sciences, it’s impossible for him to achieve such a breakthrough unless he has had the opportunity to come into contact with the most advanced weapon designs in the world today.

For a moment, Feng Ming, Rong Hu, Luo Yun, Luo Deng, four pairs of eyes are fixed on him. Zhu Xuan doesn’t seem to know that his answer is being followed nervously by many people, he stands there and doesn’t seem to understand why everyone suddenly stare at him.

Zhu Xuan seems to have heard clearly this time, and his lips which have been tightly closed, finally moved.

But these three words are more powerful than three hundred words.

As soon as the name came up, almost everyone gasped.

What’s more terrible is that this funny old man who is proficient in mathematics and sciences is still a Li Kingdom people. At that time he took him to Fan Jia together with the intention to seduce the third princess of Fan Jia as the newly appointed King, but was destroyed by Feng Ming.

Rong Hu’s thick eyebrows frown and looks at Zhu Xuan with a serious vigilance in his eyes, “Are you a Li Kingdom people?”

Luo Yun stares at Zhu Xuan and coldly says, “Even if he’s Li Kingdom people, it is impossible to learn this kind of thing unless he’s royal family or noble. Young Master, the man’s origin is unknown and he deliberately made strange things to attract Young Master’s attention, it’s clear that he has a plan, it is better to hand over him to this subordinate and this subordinate will interrogate clearly.”

What kind of interrogation, probably torture?

Feng Ming sees Zhu Xuan’s face wincing, he’s holding his hand and comforting, “Don’t be afraid, I won’t give you to him. The name Zhu Xuan is very nice, it’s not a common name used for the children of ordinary people. Who helped you pick the name?”

This answer is also treasured such as gold, only two words in total.

Because Zhu Xuan moves his lips so simply, the words he says are unimaginably, “Father King.”

If you want to choose the best spokesperson who is unsurprisingly shocking endlessly, this big brother Zhu Xuan is definitely deserves it.

Even idiots know that he who can call the word ‘Father King’ except the princess is the prince.

Which kingdom’s royal blood?

Connect the doubts before and after, and the answer is about to come out.

Looking at Zhu Xuan’s appearance, although he’s thin and small, he should be at least 17 or 18 years old, it’s estimated that Ruo Yan wouldn’t have such an old son.

No way!

How is this possible?

But looking backward, it’s not impossible.

It’s strange to make people believe that Ruo Yan is has brotherly love.

Thanks to Feng Ming’s amazing imagination and deep fear of Ruo Yan, for a moment, the story of a thrilling-bloody-and-tearing-brothers-who-kill-each-other story has been excitedly sketched out in Feng Ming’s head.

Feng Ming froze and blinks for a long time. “Uh? You’re not Ruo Yan’s younger brother? Then how can you have a father king? How do you have the chance to get in touch with people like Dong Fang Tian? Okay, in the end who exactly are you?” His pleasant manner come again and ask shamelessly.

Feng Ming is standing closest to him, his ears upright, and finally managed to hear this sentence clearly.

He is not Ruo Yan’s younger brother, this is still understandable, but where did that spring come from? He’s not one of Old King of Li’s illegitimate son, is he?

(t/n: in case you forgot, Cai Qiang is An He (the prince’s body taken by Feng Ming) and the servant Cai’s son)

Stop! Where do this thoughts go?

Imagine the historical scene of the impassioned solicitation of weapon master turned into this, it’s really making people want to cry but don’t have tears.

The more Feng Ming thinks, the more he gets a headache, but suddenly she saw Ronghu from the corner of his eyes as if he was comprehending the overall thinking expression, he quickly lifts his head and asks Rong Hu, “Rong Hu, Did you think of something?”

“Ah? You know?”

“He is Princess Yu Quan’s younger brother of the same mother.”

“Can you say it in one breath?” Feng Ming is anxious to scratch by Rong Hu’s calm style. “Well, I know Yu Quan is a princess, this princess has a younger brother, but who is Yu Quan? Unexpectedly, in addition to Miao Guang, there is also Yu Quan, why it seems like I have never heard of it.”

Rong Hu explains, while Feng Ming nodding.


Did Dong Fang Tian betray Li Kingdom and ran secretly to Bei Qi to start a class to receive his apprentice? Then he is bold enough, if Ruo Yan knew he would chop him up.

Boom! There’s another bomb.

Feng Ming is dumbfounded, “Ruo Yan’s Queen?”

“Unfortunately, after marrying into the Li Kingdom for a few years, Princess Yu Quan died inexplicably.”action

“If Zhu Xuan had followed her sister to the Li Kingdom, he might have been taught by Dong Fang Tian as the queen’s own brother. Duke Ming should have understand the context by now, right?” After Rong Hu finished speaking, Feng Ming blinks in confusion. It’s not that he’s slow to respond, it’s just that there are too many things happening today, one thing is more unexpected than the other, the experience over and over again makes him more dizzy than riding a roller coaster ten times in a row. Who knows if such excitement will come again one after another.

Everyone’s face change slightly and their eyes move out the door together.

“Young Master, the military report just arrived.”

Feng Ming’s heart is throbbed, “Is it the news of Yue Zhong city?”

Rong Hu shakes his head. “This is sent by Mian Ya’s men stationed in other kingdom.”

The news is so shocking that the whole hall is suddenly silent.

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