Doctor Player

Chapter 104:

Chapter 104

[Battlefield Surgery! (Unable to acquire at this time. You can learn ‘special class’ once you change jobs)]

[Field rescue Surgery! (Unable to acquire at this time. You can learn ‘special class’ once you change jobs)]

[The military doctor’s survival skills!] (Unable to acquire at this time. You can learn ‘special class’ once you change jobs)]josei

‘……What kind of survival skills? I, a healer sgould know the tactics and use it somewhere.’

That wasn’t the only unexpected skill.

[Survival Instinct (You can learn it now)]

‘……What’s this? Survival instinct? Will I be able to cook with this skill?’

[Survival Instinct]

Classification: Auxiliary skill (war, self-defense)

Grade: Unique

Proficiency: D

– A self-defense skill to protect yourself and your patients against powerful enemies on the battlefield.

-Temporarily for a minute, give a 1.5x increase in your stamina and sensory stats.

[Limit point]

‘If it’s a 1.5 multiplier, how much strength and sense would I have?’

Raymond has a physical stay of 60.

Additionally. If his self-defense skill is added to that, then it’ll be close to 70.

How strong is that going to be?

‘How strong have I become now? Is it true that I’ve gotten stronger?’

He looked at his own hand.

‘I still didn’t realize that I had become stronger, a weak and timid person like me.’

‘Well, I’m a healer. It doesn’t matter if I get stronger or not. I won’t ever use that skill. Unless someone comes to me on purpose and argues with me.’

And as if on cue…

Lindon rushed in.”Master, you’re in trouble!”


“His Highness the Prince Seytil has come and is making a fuss!”



When Raymond rushed out, he found the fool’s ass.

“Is this the Penin Treatment Center? It’s as shabby as that Illegitimate child.”

It was Seytil!

Raymond frowned.

He could see that there was a dispute.

“What’s going on here?”

“What’s going on? I’m here to be treated.”

Seytil stuck out his forearm.

There was a small scratch.

“Treat it. Now.”


Raymond sighed.

“Lindon, treat him. Put some ointment on his wound.”

“Yes, Master!”

Seytil twisted his face viciously.

“Are you kidding me?” I’m here as a royal, and you’re going to order a healer underneath you to heal me? Do you want to die?”

Looking at the way he spoke, it seemed like Seytil had already made up his mind.

“What should I do?”

Then, just in time, Hanson came running.

“Master, the patient in bed 2 is having a high fever again! He is about to lose his consciousness!”

The patient in bed 2…

It was a patient with severe infection in his wound.

The infection worsened and seemed to be progressing to sepsis.

Raymond said politely. “I’m sorry. There is a soldier in a critical condition, so I have to treat him. I’ll treat your wounds the next time.”

“Shut up!” Seytil snorted.

“It doesn’t matter. Hurry up and heal my wounds first.”

Eventually, a message came to his mind.

[“Heart of Steel” is manifested!]

[True Countermeasures” will be revealed!]

Eventually, Raymond sighed and spoke tough.

“I’m very sorry, but please leave.”

“……What did you say?”

“This is a treatment center approved by the Tower of Healing. In accordance with the decree left by the first Lord of the Tower, we have the authority to refuse patients who make a fuss in the clinic for the sake of other patients.”

But Seytil did not back down.

If ever, he was even more gallant than before.

“I made a fair request for treatment, but now you’re saying that I am making a fuss? That remark just now is something that you can assume because you despise me, right?”

Seytil threw his gloves in front of Raymond.

“You have offended me as a prince. Therefore, I am challenging you to a duel.”


Raymond wriggled his eyebrows.

“Are you kidding me?”

“Kidding? No, I’m serious. I am going to smash you.”

Seytil had a vicious face as if a cat was staring at a mouse.

“Come out now with your sword, you bloody brat. Don’t give me that cheeky face.”


“Get your weapons up now!”

The duel between the two caught the attention of the soldiers.

“Wait, what’s that? Isn’t that the healer?”

“Why is the healer fighting?”

An injured soldier who had been watching the situation from the beginning in the barracks said with anger. “Your Highness, the fourth prince, started a quarrel from the beginning.”

“What should we do?”

It was obviously a duel between a giant and a dwarf.

A good healer who only knew of curing patients could not be a match for a troublemaker swordmaster.

It was only a short time, but the soldiers were so impressed of Raymond that they stomped their feet.

“Our good healer can’t be a match for the prince of the devil.”

“We can’t stay like this! We have to stop them!”

Then, an unexpected figure appeared.”What’s going on here?”

It was a sharp voice.

It was the Duke Raif!

When the barracks became noisy while looking around, he stepped!

The Duke Raif looked at Seitil.

“What’s going on here?”

“He has defamed the royal family! I must punish him!”

Duke Raif frowned upon hearing Seytil’s statement.

Even if he hadn’t heard the reason behind it yet, he already knows that it is for something ridiculous.

‘Seytil must have started a ridiculous quarrel.’

“Stop, don’t make an unnecessary fuss…….”

The Duke Raif, who was about to break up the figh, fell silent.

He remembered a rumor he heard a while ago.

‘Baron Penin is perhaps a swordsmanship genius who will grace the Kingdom of Houston!’

It was said by Sir Walton, the superior knight of the Royal Knights.

‘It’s a chance to check.’

Duke Raif changed his stance.

If he is likely to be injured, he can intervene in the middle.

“Good. I’ll allow you to fight. Instead, the use of a sharp sword is prohibited. You must not take a life.”

“Thank you, uncle!”

Seytil had a beaming face.

Even a wooden sword could inflict any number of fatal wounds on Raymond.

“I’ll make you not die.”

As things turned out, it was Raymond who got in trouble.

‘Oh my god, bloody hell. The crawfish is on the side of the crab.’

Raymond, who did not know what the Duke was thinking, thought that Duke Raif sided with his nephew, Seytil.

‘Now that it’s come to this, I can’t avoid a duel. What should I do?’

Then, a quest came to his mind.

[Teach the Bastards the True Education!]


Difficulty level: Medium

Quest Description: The opponent is making a ridiculous argument. This is a serious obstruction of medical care. Educate him!

Clearing Conditions: Fully educate your opponent

Rewards: Bonus level up x2 , additional 30 skill points

Perks: Prestige boost

‘There’s no way I can do it!’

Seytil is a beginner Sword Expert powerhouse.

He may be a troublemaker, but his sword skills are real.

Raymond’s mouth became dry.

But suddenly, an idea came to his mind.

‘Wait… Can I really do it?’

Raymond rolled his eyes.

‘…Maybe I can give it a shot?’

Raymond was taken aback by his thoughts.

‘I’m going to give myself a shot against a beginner Sword Expert?!’

But it wasn’t a jawless delusion.

‘If I use the method I have just come up with, maybe hopefully, I’ll be able to have a shot into defeating him.’

“Give him a real good punch and end the duel!’

Before that, I had something to be sure of.

“Then the Duke becomes the notary of this duel?”


At the sudden question, the Duke Raif had a twinkle in his eye. The difference in skill was significant, but he looks as if he wasn’t even afraid.

“Yes, the Duke Rai will notarize.”

“Then if the winner is decided clearly, we will stop the duel, right?”

“Of course.”

When the Duke affirmed, Raymond looked at Seytil.

“If you lose, will you accept the result?”

“Sigh! Are you crazy?”

“Please answer me.”

“Yeah, if I lose, I’ll step back cleanly.”

Seytil raised his wooden sword grimly.

“It would be wiser to worry about your body than mine. Now I’m very angry.”

Raymond flinched.

Being a timid person by nature, he was scared to be threatened.

‘Let’s not be scared. Let’s try whether we can or not! If it doesn’t work out and you get hit, you can defend it with shield magic.’

Yes, he had a secret shield magic.

If it doesn’t work out as planned, he can give up after taking a hit with his shield.The thought of it made him feel somewhat calm.

‘Buy a skill!’

[ You bought the ‘Survival Instinct’ skill!]

[It consumes 150 skill pointsl!]

Classification: Auxiliary skill (war, self-defense)

Grade: Unique

Proficiency: D

– A self-defense skil to protect yourself and your patients against powerful enemies on the battlefield.

-Temporarily for a minute, give a 1.5x increase in your stamina and sensory stats.

[Limit point]

All conditions of use were met.

The skill was immediately manifested!

[You are under serious threat from the powerful enemy on the battlefield.]

[‘Survival Instinct’ skill is manifested!]

[Stats increase significantly for 1 minute.]


(1 minute only)

Stamina: 39 → 58.5

Sense: 34 → 51

It wasn’t just that.

[Self-defense skill, “Healer’s Self-Defense Skill” is manifested]

[Achievement, ‘The Dwarf Who Defeated the Giants (+2)’ is manifested]


Stamina: 58.5 → 68.5 → 72

Sense: 51 → 56.5 → 60

His stat massively jumped.

‘How strong did I become?’

‘I have no idea.’

‘What I can see is that my body has become incredibly light and sensitive.’

‘A sense that I had never experienced before dominated my body.’

‘I have to finish it in a minute.’

Raymond provoked Seytil. “But what are you going to do if you lose?”


“It’s not too late now, so if you’re worried, you can stop fighting. I’ll take it in particular.”

Seytil’s face flared up like an explosion. He fell for provocation as he intended.

“You punk!”

He rushed in like an angry bull.

It was a charge full of thoughts to beat Raymond.

‘This is it!’

Raymond’s heart beat like crazy.

However, apart from that tension, Seytil’s movements caught his eyes one after another.

Surprisingly, it was not very threatening.

It seemed like he can avoid it.

“Is this the physical ability of 72 physical strength and 60 sensory stats?”

Then, Seytil arrived right under Raymond’s nose.



It was a powerful hit!

It was an attack loaded with mana. So even if it’s just a wooden sword, the one receiving the blow couldn’t avoid a fatal blow.


“The healer!”

As the soldiers closed their eyes to the terrible devastation that was about to happen, an incredible miracle occurred.

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