Catastrophe Card King

Chapter 224 - 105 Exposed_2

Chapter 224: Chapter 105 Exposed_2

Translator: 549690339

The Fierce Beast Squad held their position with a money-burning strategy.

One of the two Demon Commanders had died while the other was severly injured, leaving tens of thousands of low-tier Demons’ corpses outside the cavern.

While the battle raged outside, Leonard Churchill, as a casualty, had nothing to do but lay low.

Nowhere in the vast Sawtooth Forest was safer than here.

While laying down, he quietly moved closer to his tactical backpack, and Enlightenment kept giving him prompts.

■You’ve used Feast Devour, physique +0.03′

■You’ve used Feast Devour, strength +0.02′

Just now, Leonard Churchill had stashed away the Spirit Medium in his backpack.

Plus the golden sphere, the clay jar, a dozen storage rings… He had stuffed away all these items that couldn’t be stored away.

Anyone who would open it would be taken aback.

But Leonard Churchill was betting on audacity.

The rescue doctors were too busy to be interested in going through someone’s backpack.

No one else would bother to search an injured man’s backpack.

Once the doctors finished treating his wounds, no one paid any more attention to Leonard Churchill.

So he simply lay there, slowly absorbing the extraordinary traits in the Spirit


Once he finished digesting this stuff, he could reduce more risk factors. As a casualty, he lay there looking as though he was on his last breath, so no one was urging him to go back to fighting.

Leonard Churchill simply lay there, absorbing like mad.

It wasn’t long before the second wave of the battle began.

Now, almost every Demon in the vast Sawtooth Forest was converging on this position.

Most Demons weren’t very intelligent and didn’t have an accurate understanding of human combat power.

Knowing that what they were seeking was in the hands of humans in the cave, how could they just stand outside and watch?

And clearly, it was just two or three hundred humans. It seemed they could be obliterated with just a wave of a hand.

After gathering a few tens of thousands, the Demons howled and shrieked as the second-tier Demon Commander led them in another stampede.

And then, the Fierce Beast Legion harvested them once more.

The depth of the elite legion and the money-burning strategy taught these Demons a painful lesson.

But with every battle came casualties.

The Fierce Beast Legion only had two or three hundred members. After each charge, their numbers reduced significantly.

But this often gave the Demons more confidence.

They thought they would surely succeed next time.

And so, with almost no time to breathe, one wave followed another, battling for seven or eight hours.

Taking a look at his pocket watch, it was eight in the morning.

Was this the tenth or so wave of battle?

Leonard Churchill wasn’t even sure anymore.

Although he looked feeble at the moment, he was wide awake on the inside.

“I’ve actually absorbed it all…”

Leonard Churchill had not expected to devour such a large piece of Spirit Medium overnight.

The Demon’s Feast Skill had just leveled up to Lv2, nearly doubling the efficiency of the devouring process.

But looking at the increase in data on his body panel, his brows furrowed slightly, a little puzzled.

Looking at the attributes, his full attributes were all around 15 points before, but now they had become 18+.

Before, each piece of Spirit Medium he obtained had raised his average attributes by about 4-

Now that he had obtained this Supreme Spirit Medium, his attributes had only increased by 3?

Leonard Churchill thought about it and concluded that after leveling up, he had a higher demand for the quality of the extraordinary trait.

But he also felt pretty good about it.

To skyrocket by one-fifth of his attributes overnight was a qualitative improvement for him.

Now his agility attribute was “18.96”.

Giving it a rough estimation, it would be in the thirties after transformation. Even if he came across the Cerberus from before, he reckoned he could keep up in terms of speed.

Thinking of this, Leonard Churchill’s mood improved greatly.

As long as he had the upper hand in speed, many problems wouldn’t pose an issue.

Leonard Churchill planned to just lay low.

He thought that he would stay down as long as he could.

After all, he has the Fierce Beast Legion to fight for him.

He would wait until both sides were nearly spent, and then he would take whatever action seemed best.josei

After seeing the combat power of the legion-level last night, Leonard Churchill determined more than ever that letting the Demon Corps consume themselves was the right choice.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to handle them.

Although the Fierce Beast Legion only had three hundred members, with the advantage of their weapons and firepower, they could completely exhaust two or three hundred thousand Demons.

Especially those troublesome second-tier commanders, even if they couldn’t be killed, it would still be good to heavily wound them.

Considering the intense charges from last night, only creatures of Catastrophe Level would even get to the cave entrance.

In this way, both sides would exhaust each other. The Fierce Beast Legion would use up all their ammunition, and most of the difficult demons would be cleared away.

Now that the golden power sphere was in Leonard Churchill’s hands, the number of demons in the Sawtooth Forest would only decrease, not increase. The difficulty of the plot in the Alternate Dimension would keep reducing. The chances of surviving and clearing the scenario would be greatly increased. This was the intensity of the A-rank War Mode plot. The casualty rate was high, but it was definitely not a certain death situation.

And things were going better than expected.

Both sides went through over ten rounds of fierce fighting last night and suffered heavy losses.

On the side of the Demon Corps, three of the seven Demon Commanders that came here were killed last night.

As for the first tier Catastrophe, Low Tier Demons, and others, the casualties were numerous.

On the other side, the Fierce Beast Legion also suffered significant losses.

There were ranged professions like Dark Elf Archers among the Demons, and their arrows shot all around, causing severe casualties among the magic-type characters with weak defenses.

There were also attacks like those from Toad CommanderHunke, who could spit out a highly poisonous sputum that could corrode and rot even rocks, causing group poison damage; and Mind-capturing Leader – Buck, who could control a large group psychologically…

Out of the three hundred, less than half of them were alive, and most of them were injured.

Leonard Churchill’s bedside had seen dozens of new arrivals overnight.

Most importantly, after a night’s battle, the fighters were not just exhausted, but their supply of cards was also depleted..

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