Black Moonlight Holds the BE Script

Chapter 2: Kneel

Regarding why the young demon king was punished to kneel, Su Su’s memory is like this—

Half a month ago, the original master Ye Xiwu and concubine Ye Bingshang fell into the lake together.

As a result, the six princes jumped down to save the concubine sister, and the champion man also jumped down to save the concubine sister. Not only that, even the husband of the original owner who was just married, Tantai Jin, jumped out of the lake to swim towards the concubine.

In the end, he was still a dark guard of the original owner, and when he saw that the situation was wrong, he picked up the original owner.

The original owner nearly drowned. After returning, she was furious. She couldn't blow her anger at the sixth prince and the number one scholar, so she had to catch Tantai Jin and get angry.

She asked Tan Tai Jin to kneel on the frozen lake. When will she forgive him and when will he get up.

Before the punishment was implemented, the original owner fell ill from the cold, and her grandmother took her and Tantai Jin to the temple to pray for incense.

Who knows there was an accident on the road, the original owner was caught by the bandits.josei

is coming back now, naturally the punishment has been continued.

Su Su rubbed his heart, wanting to go out to see the young demon king kneeling.

This must be the benefit of her traveling five hundred years of time and space!

If there is a Juying Pearl, she must leave an image with her to show her uncles and uncles. They are proud of the world of immortality!


TaiJin knelt on the ice.

When he came back two days ago, the steward of the general's mansion smiled and said, "I hope that your Highness Proton has not forgotten what the third lady said."

Without a word, he lowered his eyes and closed his eyes, before kneeling on the frozen lake.

After a while, the cold made his face extremely pale.

This winter is colder than ever. A few maids walked past the lake and whispered: "Miss San is punishing Proton again?"

"Why did you come back from Tianhua Temple, the third lady let Proton kneel again, Proton is too pitiful."

"Shhh, keep your voice down, you are not afraid of Miss Third."

Since the third miss married his Royal Highness Proton, the third miss always punishes him.

Everyone knows that the third lady loves the sixth prince, and she hates your Royal Highness.

Ms. San is General Ye Da’s most beloved daughter, and Proton Tantaijin is the most annoying son of Emperor Zhou.

Proton has been in Daxia for so many years, even his servants can insult him, let alone the most favored third lady Ye Xiwu.

Don’t wait to meet someone, just follow your mood, and discuss it at will?

The maids looked at Tan Tai Jin's eyes, with sympathy mostly.

The beautiful boy is very broad and polite on weekdays, and he doesn't have the slightest shelf. His life experience is pitiful, and he is often tortured in this way now.

Even if General Ye knew these things, he would at most teach his daughter a few words, and nothing would be done.

The heavy snow covered the green pine in the distance, Tantai Jin coughed, the cold breath entered his lungs, and his breathing was painful.

The ice under my knees made my bones hurt.

A layer of frost has formed on the young black hair.

Taijin Kneeled for too long, and almost lost consciousness in his knees. With a muffled sound, he held the ice and stabilized his body.

His face was reflected on the ice.

A weak and harmless young face.

He remembered that two days ago, when he took the third lady back from the bandit den, the old lady of the Ye family turned blue.

"No one is allowed to spread this incident. If I know someone's mouth is leaking the wind, Ye Jia will not forgive him!"

The old lady looked fierce, and there was a strong threat in her eyes.

Then the old lady looked at him comfortingly: "Mother Fuzhong checked. Xiwu's clothes are in good condition. I am sorry that nothing happened to you."

"Grandma is too worried, I naturally believe in Yugiri."

The old lady glanced at him and nodded in satisfaction.

The incident that Miss Ye San was kidnapped by bandits was kept secret in this way, but the old lady was still investigating.

After all, the Yejia Guards accompanied him for protection, and there had never been such an accident for many years.

Why would the bandits target their third lady? No matter how you think about it, it's not quite right.

With the crowd of mobs, it is completely impossible to take Ye Xiwu away easily.

However, no matter how the old lady investigates, there is no result. This incident can only be attributed to an accident.

Susu came to the lake and saw the culprit five hundred years later.

The boy knelt on the frozen lake, almost unable to hold it.

His face was pale, his lips were no longer bright red, and he began to go black.

Perceiving that someone is looking at him, the boy raised his eyes and met Susu's gaze.

The girl, dressed in a snow-white soft cloak, tilted her head to look at him.

The two looked at each other across the lake, Tan Tai Jin saw it, and she suddenly curled her eyes and smiled.

He had never seen Ye Xiwu show such a pure and clean smile.

I don't know if I am satisfied with the winter snow scene in Fuzhong, or satisfied with his embarrassment on the ice lake.

Chuntao next to Susu couldn't bear to see it, and exhausted all his courage to plead: "Miss, Your Highness has been kneeling for two days. If you kneel down again, I'm afraid your bones will break. Do you need to get Proton up?"

Su Su shook his head and watched the show. It was a pity that there was no Juyingzhu. She said seriously: "Obviously he is strong. It seems that he can kneel for a few days and nights."

Chuntao: "..."

Ms. San, are you serious?

Susu is of course serious, she touched Chuntao's head.

You don’t understand, if a little girl like you is born in the future, she will have to faint in fear when she hears his name, so that she will not sympathize with him.

It's good to kneel half-struck, let's see how this evil thing becomes a devil in the future!

She glanced at Tan Tai Jin, said nothing, turned around and walked away.

Seeing the girl's back disappear under the eaves promenade, Tantai Jin tightened his lips and looked back.


Susu went to the old lady's yard.

The old man woke up for a nap, because of his belief in Buddhism, the sandalwood in the room curled up.

When Su Su went in, there was a girl in a green shirt with a cardamom age standing in the room.

The girl in the green shirt was pinching the shoulders of the old lady, but when Su Su came in, she stopped.

Su Su didn’t recognize anyone and didn’t say anything. The girl nodded at her on the initiative and whispered, “Sister three.”

It turned out to be the second young lady from Ye Jiashu, Ye Lanyin.

Su Su nodded and said hello: "Second sister."

Ye Lanyin did not expect Su Su to respond to her. She was surprised in her heart. She glanced at Su Su awkwardly and blessed the old lady: "Grandma, Lanyin will come to accompany you to worship the Buddha tomorrow."

The old lady patted her hand and nodded.

Su Su can understand, the original body is like a small overlord in the Ye family.

She came, Ye Lanyin had to give her place.

I called Ye Lanyin to my second elder sister, which made my family sincere and uneasy.

So how terrifying is the original owner?

As soon as Ye Lanyin left, the old lady's stereotyped face appeared a lot wider and more gentle: "Three girls, come over and let grandma take a look, are you healthy?"

Su Su walked over and said, "Thank you for your grandmother's concern, Xiwu's body is fine. These days, grandmother is worried."

The old lady nodded affectionately on her forehead: "Grandma is getting old, and she's going to be alive in a few years, you girl, let grandma save some snacks."

Su Su pinched her shoulders for the old lady, and said: "Grandma is in good health. I don't know. I thought it was my mother. She will protect Xiwu for the rest of her life."

"There is no door on your mouth, nonsense." The old lady pretended to reprimand, but the smile in her eyes couldn't be covered.

General Ye's auntie died after giving birth to the original owner. General Ye did not marry Suixian, so the old lady took the original owner to her side to raise her.

The children raised by myself are really afraid of being broken in their mouths, and they are very eccentric.

The original owner is so domineering, and the grandmother's favor is a big factor. The original owner is also shrewd, and he has a good way to please his elders.

Daxia Kingdom promotes filial piety. General Ye is a well-known filial son. Mrs. Ye sees Ye Xiwu like eyeballs, and even General Ye loves this only daughter.

"The grandmother has already sealed off people about the temple, so don't talk about it by yourself. The name of the girl is the most important thing."

Susu nodded: "I see, grandmother."

In the Ye family, the old lady really loves the original owner.

Thinking of the wish of the original owner, Su Su will try his best to be nice to the old lady in the future.

The old lady said again, "You have to know something too, to relax your heart. His wife will inevitably have a grudge in his heart when something like this happens to his wife."

Su Su thinks of the boy who kneeled on the ice lake.

She wouldn't really marry the Young Demon King, so she can comfort him when she is full and has nothing to do.

But facing the old lady, she couldn't say that, she could only nod her head: "Xiwu knows."

The old lady nodded.

"Grandma, did Yinqiao find it?"

The old lady's eyes flashed, and she smiled and said, "That girl, I got it back and was not injured. Grandma sent her to Zhuangzi. Yinqiao has already reached the age of marriage. This time she bravely protects her lord. Let her delay in the house again."

The old lady sighed inwardly, Xiwu had better not know about these things.

Su Su is behind the old lady, and the old lady's expression is not visible. Hearing this, he breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

"Some time ago, my grandmother never said about you about the palace banquet. Your eldest sister is married. What are you going to do for her? You fell into the water with her and made yourself sick."

"Grandma knows that you used to please the Sixth Prince, but your eldest sister is now the side concubine of the Sixth Prince, and you are also married to Tantaijin. Listen to your grandmother's words, and stay away from the Sixth Prince in the future!"

Susu almost choked with saliva.

Yes, besides the character problem of the original owner, the most serious problem is that she likes her sister's six princes.

Even if they are married, they don’t give up and make things difficult to frame the concubine.

and Tan Taijin, like her sister-in-law.

What a powerful relationship, the two husbands and wives, they couldn't ask for them separately.

The old lady didn't say a word when she saw her, thinking she still couldn't figure it out, she hated iron and slapped her hand on the back of her hand: "Answer grandma's words."

"Yes, Xiwu knows. From now on, she must be far away from the Sixth Prince." Even if the old lady didn't say it, Su Su wouldn't be able to grab the Sixth Prince with her concubine.

Susu agreed too simply, but the old lady became suspicious. Xiwu likes the six princes, but he is so heartbroken, how can he give up?

"You girl, didn't you coax grandma?"

Su Su squeezed two shallow dimples on his cheeks: "Of course not."

The old lady said: "Prove it to my grandmother, don't punish the proton anymore. My grandmother heard that you asked him to kneel on the ice lake. It's such a cold day outside. Is this something a little girl can do? Pass it out to you. Reputation is damaged."

"His status is not good, but how can he go to death when he becomes your husband? It is a serious matter to take your heart and live well in the future."

Su Su watched the old lady persistently looking at herself, and she had to nod her head.

She sighed.



Ye Lanyin walked out of the old lady's house.

Her maid Qiao'er hurriedly greeted her: "Second Miss, how come out so early today?"

"The third sister is here."

Qiao'er understood it, and said sourly: "The old lady is too partial."

Seeing that Ye Lanyin didn't stop her, Qiao'er continued: "The third lady pushed the eldest into the water in front of the sixth prince, and the old lady suppressed the matter."

"I used to think that the third lady would be the concubine of the sixth prince, but suddenly the sixth prince took the eldest concubine as the concubine."

Ye Lan's eyes moved.

Yes, no one thought that the sixth prince proposed a marriage, and it turned out to be Ye Bingshang, the eldest daughter of Ye Jiashu.

Ye Bingchang is a concubine after all.

But Ye Lanyin saw from a distance that the eyes of the sixth prince were full of love for the big sister.

Thinking of this, Ye Lanyin clenched her veil tightly.

are all concubines, Ye Bingshang can be loved so much by the prince, but he can only please the old lady, hoping that she will grant him a better family in the future.

Ye Lanyin's heart was blocked, until she saw Tantai Jin on the ice, her expression finally eased.

Even Qiao'er's face showed a smirking smile.

How about Miss San is the only aunt of the General's Mansion, marrying a humble proton, what kind of honor is there for the rest of your life?

Everyone knows that Tantai Jin was trapped in the palace when he was six years old until Daxia was a hostage.

I heard that he washed the feet of the **** and even ate dog food.

Such a humble person, maybe he doesn't even recognize a big character, so he can't compare with the six princes of Taowulue.

In the first month of marrying him, the third lady cried for a long time, then lost her temper and verbally abused her.

It's only been a little better in these two months, but I don't treat Tantai Jin as a human being.

Ye Lanyin covered his lips with a veil, covering up the smile on his lips.

Daxia Kingdom promoted martial arts. I heard that Tantai Jin was destroyed when he was a child, and now he has no power to bind chickens.

The fragile young man, she used to be the third sister who was invincible, she would not even be able to look at it.

When my grandmother is dead, a proton that even a palace doesn’t have, what can I give Ye Xiwu? Ye Xiwu's life is not a fate for others.

Qiaoer said: "I heard that Proton has been kneeling on the ice for two days. The servant girl looks at his face, I am afraid that he will be unable to hold on. Second lady, do you need to give him a cloak?"

On weekdays, Ye Lanyin likes to give alms to his servants very much, and has a good reputation in the Fuzhong.

The reputation of gentleness and kindness is much more popular than the third girl Ye Xiwu.

Ye Lanyin was a little moved, and she looked at Tantai Jin.

Proton's identity is not on the table, but that face is really good, more delicate and beautiful than a woman.

Ye Lanyin nodded, acquiescing Qiaoer to do this.

She stood on the pavilion and nodded gently at Proton.

Tai Jin also saw the second girl in the house.

Qiao'er took a snow-white cloak, carefully stepped on the ice, and walked towards him.

After Susu came back with his grandmother, he saw this scene.

Her second elder sister is paying attention to the young demon king.

She paced over.

"Second sister, what are you doing?"

Ye Lanyin was taken aback. He didn't expect Su Su to come out so quickly and he was caught on the spot.

She hurriedly said: "Sister, don't get me wrong. I was thinking that the weather was so cold and it started to snow again. Proton knelt in the ice and snow. In case of death, she asked Qiao'er to give him a cloak. "

Su Su asked Tantai Jin on the ice: "Can you still hold it? The second sister gives you a cloak, do you want it?"

Susu, as the Dawn of the Right Path, really hates this bad guy who will cause turmoil in the Three Realms in the future.

Taijin glanced at Su Su, then returned to Ye Lan and said: "Thank you, Miss Second, for your kindness. It's not cold down here."

This is a rejection.

Ye Lanyin felt a little embarrassed in her heart.

"In that case, don't disturb the third sister and Proton." She couldn't stay, and took Qiao'er away.

Su Su gathers tightly the soft cloak.

She lowered her eyes to look at the demon king who was kneeling on her feet, killing him may be the whole world of cultivation, up to thousands of years old, down to a child, a shared wish.

This is also the great wish that Susu made since childhood.

He looks vulnerable now, the demon king in his youth was as vulnerable as a baby.

It is written all over the body, I am easy to kill.

The righteous girl is about to move.

Su Su struggled to suppress this thought.

A person who cultivates the true self has spiritual roots, just as a natural monster has evil bones.

The elders have said that if the evil bones of the Demon King are not eliminated, even if he is killed, he will still **** the grievances of the world and be reborn.

In other words, killing him will make him stronger.

She must first find a way to get rid of the evil bones.

Tai Jin faintly noticed the murderous aura, he raised his eyes, and the girl turned away.

From his gaze, only half of her cheek and her white ears can be seen.

Her lips are slightly pursed, and there seems to be a feeling of dissatisfaction. Pinky, small and cute.

This look is not at all in touch with her viciousness.

Tai Jin was so cold that he was unconscious, and his body crashed on the ice.

The noble girl paused and walked past him without looking at him.

He curled up on the ground, in sight. Pink and tender peach blossoms bloomed on the girl's pink and white embroidered shoes.

full of vitality.


General Ye did not return to the house at night, the old lady was getting old and lacking energy, so everyone had dinner in their own yard.

After Susu took a shower, Chuntao served her to sleep.

Chuntao loosened her hair and saw that her eyebrows were very well-behaved under the light. She couldn't help but praised: "Miss San's hair is smooth and soft."

was surprised after the praise, for fear that the third lady would get angry and say that she has no rules. Unexpectedly, the third lady smiled with curvy eyes: "Chuntao's hair is also beautiful."

Another little girl named Xixi ran in, rushed to Susufu, and said like a mosquito: "The old lady has asked her to send her Royal Highness back."

Su Su raised his eyes and saw Tantai Jin walking into the room as expected.

The frost on the boy's hair, when it touches the warmth of the room, it turns into drops of water.

With the icy breath of the wind and snow outside, he pursed his lips and looked at Su Su crampedly.

It’s not yet you time, but because of the cold weather, it’s getting dark quickly, and it’s already pitch black outside.

As soon as he came in, the air seemed to be silent.

Chuntao and Xixi hurriedly said: "Miss San, the slaves and servants retire."

Chuntao and Xixixi closed the door.

Taijin's voice was low and dumb, and asked: "Has the third lady died out?"

Su Su shook his head without hesitation: "No."

He lowered his eyes, his eyelashes black as a feather, covering his eyes. The heat in the room didn't make him feel much better, but instead made his frostbitten hands and feet become painful and itchy, turning red.

Su Su took a look.

groaned softly in his heart, the devil was not pitiful.

She has treated young eagles with broken wings, sick children, and gray-haired old people.

But the first rule of the fairy world, a girl who cultivates a true self, must never sympathize with an evil thing.

Even if he looks fragile.

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