Almighty Devouring System

Chapter 39

Chapter 39 - To Resolve the Conflict

Ruan Lang appeared quite stoic, seemingly detached from everything around him. Yet, when he launched into action, his strikes were relentless.

In a swift motion, Ruan Lang pivoted and unleashed his attack, his Astral Energy bursting forth like a mighty river. The Warrior was sent tumbling through the air, rolling across the ground five or six times before coming to a halt.

Peng Gengkun's eyebrows lifted in recognition of Ruan Lang's extraordinary skill.

“Ruan Lang is quite impressive! Despite his unassuming appearance and seemingly limited talent, it's clear he's dedicated himself to rigorous training. That move, though simple, must have been honed through countless repetitions!”

As the other Warriors witnessed their comrade being flung away, they charged in a group. Ruan Lang, unfazed, executed the Night Fighting technique, sending each assailant flying in turn.

In those moments, Ruan Lang shed his stoic demeanor, embodying the prowess of a supreme master.

After dispatching his opponents, he reverted to his impassive state and turned back to his martial arts practice, his stark transformation astonishing onlookers.

“Ruan Lang's power certainly exceeds that of his peers in the same realm! Ordinary Qi Refining Warriors don't stand a chance against him. His strength is four to five times greater than that of a High Rank Qi Refining Warrior. If I were to battle him, it would be prudent to use the Demon Suppressing Ring to restrain him first,” Peng Gengkun mused, formulating his strategy.

Without preemptive control over Ruan Lang, Peng Gengkun knew that victory, though attainable with his current capabilities, would come at a cost.

As the skirmish drew to a close and Peng Gengkun prepared to depart, a cold laugh echoed from the edge of the Martial Training Field.

“Ruan Lang, it seems you're not inclined to show me any respect.”

With a quizzical arch of his brow, Peng Gengkun watched as a strikingly handsome young master strode into view.

Lin Huaqiao, spotting the newcomer, whispered urgently, “He's Wu Longbin, a prodigy among the elite disciples!”

Despite the hushed tone, Wu Longbin overheard.

Casting a glance at Peng Gengkun and the others, Wu Longbin scoffed, “I see my reputation precedes me. Well then, bear witness as I take down Ruan Lang and carve out my legacy!” josei

After his declaration, Wu Longbin shifted his attention away from Peng Gengkun and the rest. With a swift movement, he closed the distance and appeared before Ruan Lang using his Movement Technique.

Ruan Lang, unfazed by Wu Longbin's words, didn't bother to lift his head or utter a response, his concentration solely on his Martial Arts practice.

Enraged, Wu Longbin's hand morphed into the form of an eagle's claw, swiftly lunging for Ruan Lang's shoulder. This move had been attempted earlier by another Warrior, only to be sent flying by Ruan Lang. Yet now, Wu Longbin executed the same technique.

Ruan Lang countered with the same move as before. But Wu Longbin was a force to be reckoned with, far surpassing the previous Warrior. The two of them were instantly locked in combat.

From the sidelines, Peng Gengkun offered his analysis: “Wu Longbin truly deserves his reputation; he's a genuine prodigy! He's mastered this technique to perfection, outclassing the earlier Warrior. Observe how Ruan Lang has lost the upper hand, now retreating under Wu Longbin's relentless assault! While he's not out of the fight, his advantage has certainly waned.”

Lin Huaqiao nodded in agreement, remarking, “Wu Longbin is indeed formidable! I've heard he practices not the Martial Arts of the Flying Cloud Sect, but his family's ancestral Eagle Claw Capture. He's proving to be quite exceptional!”

The spectators watched as Wu Longbin and Ruan Lang exchanged blows without a clear victor emerging, a testament to their comparable prowess.

Eventually, Ruan Lang managed to repel Wu Longbin with a forceful palm strike. In turn, Wu Longbin countered with his Eagle Claw Capture, pushing Ruan Lang back a step.

In that moment, Ruan Lang summoned his Astral Energy and declared, “I've been diligently cultivating and have at last grasped a new technique of the Supreme Fist. I welcome your guidance!”

Wu Longbin bellowed in response, “My Eagle Claw Capture is not for show! Let's see if you can withstand my Goshawk in the Sky!”

Both combatants unleashed a roar as they launched their attacks, each intent on channeling their Astral Energy for a decisive blow.

In that instant, their strikes met with a thunderous clash in the sky above.

Astral Energy is typically formless, yet at that moment, it shimmered around the two warriors, faintly glowing with brilliance. The spectacle was dazzling, but Lin Huaqiao couldn't suppress his alarm, shouting, “This is bad! Their Astral Energies are colliding—it's going to explode! Run for it!”

No sooner had Lin Huaqiao spoken than he spotted a figure darting towards the embattled duo.

“Junior Brother Peng, stay back! It's too dangerous!” Lin Huaqiao bellowed, but Peng Gengkun paid him no heed.

Employing the Shocking Wind Step, Peng Gengkun bounded over and landed beside Ruan Lang and Wu Longbin. Both sensed his approach, yet neither could afford to withdraw their Astral Energy amidst their critical exchange. To do so would mean not only facing the brunt of the unleashed energy but also risking its backlash. Thus, they had no choice but to keep channeling their own Astral Energies.

The resulting clash of energies grew increasingly volatile, threatening to culminate in a catastrophic explosion. But as the two found themselves in a dire predicament, Peng Gengkun intervened.

Their Astral Energies, once chaotically intertwined and on the verge of detonation, began to dissipate with the addition of Peng Gengkun's force. Ultimately, with a simultaneous thrust of his hands, Peng Gengkun neutralized their attacks, forcibly separating the two. The dissipating energies ensured that no explosion would ensue.

Surprise etched itself on the faces of Ruan Lang and Wu Longbin. The peril they had faced was immense, a danger not easily averted even by those of a higher rank. Yet Peng Gengkun had achieved the impossible!

In time, the Astral Energy they had emitted was utterly extinguished by Peng Gengkun, fading into oblivion.

Only then did Peng Gengkun withdraw his hands, exhaling deeply. “That was a close call,” he remarked with a wry smile. “Ease up on the intensity next time. Those folks are my friends. Had you actually triggered an Astral Energy explosion, they could have been hurt.”

Ruan Lang expressed with profound emotion, “You're truly formidable; I stand no chance against you!”

Wu Longbin's brow furrowed deeply. He gazed at Peng Gengkun and spoke deliberately, “So, you're also a master!”

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