A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 189: Nem's tears

The three of them left the hall and were now walking down a long seemingly endless hallway. Nito had yet to let go of Toa’s hand although his own was shaking slightly. However as they continued walking his shaking slowly stopped. Nito didn’t say anything as he wanted to apologize to the three of them but didn’t know how. But on the other hand Nem and Sufilia wanted to apologize to him for failing to protect Toa. Nito seemed to sense this and whispered softly.

“It’s my fault. I could have left a magic knight with you guys, I’ll do that next time.”

But Nito was afraid to be separated from Toa now, would there even be a next time?

“I was a fool to have trusted Leonardo, he probably thought that he couldn’t act against that idiot of a son.”

While they were walking Nito glanced over at Toa checking for any other injuries she might have.

“Why don’t we go ahead and leave this country now? We can rest in the dungeon for today.”

Nito’s house was in the dungeon after all. There were beds and food there although he didn’t use them that often.

“That’s probably wise.”

Sufilia agreed with him and Nito continued to keep a hold on Toa’s hand until after they left the castle.

As they left the castle the only people there were the guards on either side of the entrance. Without even turning around to look at the large castle behind them they continued on down the large staircase. As they reached a spot halfway down they saw two people that were headed up, one was from the same white cat tribe that Nem was and the other appeared to be from the dog tribe. Both of them were women.


Nito seemed confused to Sufilia answered.

“They’re from the cat and dog tribes.”

The woman from the cat tribe looked very similar to Nem. So much so that Nem looked like a shorter version of her. She was wearing white lace and it fluttered as the two groups passed by each other.


Suddenly the two of them called out stopping Nito and the others. When he looked back the white cat lady looked both surprised and upset at the same time.

“Is that….Nem?”

The cat lady stared at Nem and asked as if she knew her. She seemed surprised to see Nem in front of her.

“Nem, do you know her? I mean, it looks like she’s part of the same race you are but…”

“I don’t know her.”

Nem pretended to think for a moment before declaring that she didn’t know the woman. He didn’t doubt what Nem said but he could sense the sadness and joy that the woman felt. And along with that she seemed to be harboring a great murderous intent although that didn’t seem to be directed at Nem.

“Pardon me, I can see that you two are from the same race but who are you? I mean her name is Nem but are you part of her family or something?”

Nem’s family was something that Masamune thought about a lot. Nem said that she didn’t answer questions about her parents, he asked the sister at the orphanage once but was told that most of the orphans had a dark past. She also advised that it was probably better not to try and force them to talk about it. Nito thought that the woman in front of them might be related to Nem and from his words the woman was convinced that she was in fact Nem.

“Nem it’s me! Minerva! Don’t you remember me? We used to play together!”

Minerva grabbed Nem by the shoulder but Nem was so surprised when she hurt this that her tail was standing straight up.

“I don’t know you! Who are you!?”

Minerva’s eyes were full of tears.

“Hey, Please calm down!”

Nito looked towards the dog person who was here with Minerva as if asking for help.

“Lady Minerva, please calm down! She might have amnesia!”

(Amnesia? Nem? Is he trying to say that Nem has lost her memories?)

But Nito wasn’t sure, after all it seemed like she did remember her parents she just didn’t want to talk about them. That means that she isn’t amnesiac right? Although if the woman in front of them was part of her family then Nem’s reaction would be consistent with amnesia.

“What are you doing!?”

Nem looked disgusted as she rubbed her shoulders and stepped away from the woman a little.

“Nem! You don’t remember me!? I…”

Masamune interrupted when he saw Nem’s reluctance to interact with Minerva.

“Who are you? You seem to know Nem but she’s an orphan and doesn’t really like to talk about her childhood.”

Minerva gradually began to calm down when she heard this.

“The beast queen.”

Sufilia muttered from behind.


Masamune thought he had misheard so he turned to look at Sufilia but this time the dog lady replied.

“My apologies, I am Kayu and this is the queen of the beast country, Minerva.”


Masamune forgot how to speak for a moment.

“The beast queen!?”


Kayu responded calmly and began to explain about Nem as well.

“And lady Nem……”

Kayu seemed to doubt if this was really Nem but for the time being she continued.

“Nem is the daughter of Serena, Minerva’s sister.”




Everyone there was at a loss for words and all turned to look at Nem. But she looked just as confused as they were.

“Meaning that Nem is….”

“Lady Nem is part of the beast country’s royal family.”

When they heard that everyone there stood stock still while Nem looked back and forth between them.

“Nem…Is royalty?”josei

Nem was the one who asked this. She was confused as well so Minerva crouched down and spoke gently to her.

“I’m sorry….I was an incompetent queen and….killed your parents…”



Masamune’s expression distorted when he heard that. However Minerva didn’t reply, but he could feel the sadness in Nem.


Nem seemed to remember something and soon tears were running down her cheeks. She wiped at them several times but they just kept coming.

“I’m sorry Nem…”

Minerva was crying as well and the two of them hugged. Oddly Nem didn’t resist the hug.


Nito, Toa and Sufilia didn’t know why but it seemed like the memory of her parents dying had been too painful for nem to remember as a child so she had erased it from her memory. However it seemed that she remembered now.


Nem held Minerva tightly as they cried.

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