A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Art Gallery of Dragon Idol

Art Gallery of Dragon Idol

Since people had trouble finding the artworks I commisioned for the story, I decided I would take on their feedback and create a gallery for all the art. I don't think I need to say much else than to enjoy them. To any potantially new readers, hopefully the art will entice you to give the story a try please, endure the first 24 chapters if you can. They are short and I was still a complete newbie back then.

Anyways, here is the art!

Hestia: josei

Artist: Nuraproject

Facebook of my Artist: /nuraproject/

Artist and Clients: /people/nuraproject

Hestia's Dragon Form:

Artist: Irenbee

Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/irenbee


Artist: Nuraproject fr(e)ewebnovel


Artist: Nuraproject


Artist: dinal06

Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/dinal06?source=order_page_user_message_link


Artist: Nuraproject

Kingdom of Artorias Map + Belzac Forest + Some Saelariel

Artist: Me, but with the map creator, Inkarnate

It should go without saying but, please, don't modify or photoshop them and post them somewhere without my permission. I find it okay for people to use my art but, please, show some courtesy by crediting me as the owner of the art.

New novel chapters are published on fr(e)ewebnov(e)l.com

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